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Ok. Some minutes ago while I was browsing in google, I found out a website in Spain (the country where I live) is using-SELLING one of my photos without being downloaded or even paid.
This is my photo:
And this is the website that is selling my photo:
I have NO DOWNLOADS from that photo neither have received any cent from it. I just uploaded that photo some days ago. What should I do? Can Adobe contact that website? The fact that website is using images without consent or even paid for them, I think is a motive of fraud.
Adobe Stock partners with other sites to create greater visibility for contributors. This is explained in the Stock Contributor Terms you agreed to when you joined. If the site is using the Adobe Stock's API, they don't need to license assets until they actually sell one.
Adobe Stock Contributor Terms (PDF)
Hope that helps.
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Adobe Stock partners with other sites to create greater visibility for contributors. This is explained in the Stock Contributor Terms you agreed to when you joined. If the site is using the Adobe Stock's API, they don't need to license assets until they actually sell one.
Adobe Stock Contributor Terms (PDF)
Hope that helps.
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Thank you very much for your response to my post Nancy! And a thousand apologies for the ignorance of this clause in the agreed terms. Thanks for the clarification!
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No apologies necessary. Many people don't realize the partnerships Adobe Stock has.