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Buenos dias, quisiera borrar ciertas imagenes que Adobe sin mi permiso las ha puesto a la venta de manera gratuita y no encuentro la forma de poder borrarlas. Gracias de antemano.
Good morning, I would like to delete certain images that Adobe without my permission has put on sale for free and I can't find a way to delete them. Thanks in advance.
Go to, click on the asset you want to delete, and then click on the trash-icon:
Info: a person may be a normal (paid for) image in their free trial. In this case, I believe Adobe still pay you.
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You have given Adobe the permission, by opting in. You got idemnified for that with 5 credits. It's not possible to delete those assets before the end of the free year. You may, however, contact contributor support, to discuss the issue.
(moving this to the contributor forum)
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Gracias por tu respuesta.
Por otro lado intento buscar como poder borrar imagenes que ya no quiero vender y no localizo desde que menu poder hacerlo.
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Go to, click on the asset you want to delete, and then click on the trash-icon:
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thank you Mambo, the paper on how to delete photos has been resolved, once again thank you for sharing and for the help
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You're welcome.
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Info: a person may be a normal (paid for) image in their free trial. In this case, I believe Adobe still pay you.
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Info: a person may be a normal (paid for) image in their free trial. In this case, I believe Adobe still pay you.
By @Test Screen Name
The free trial is courtesy of Adobe. The contributor gets paid as usual.
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Click on the image that has been uploaded or that has been sold, then scroll down until you find a small text under your photo with the word delete photo, then click on that text, I have also try it this way it works
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Click on the image that has been uploaded or that has been sold, then scroll down until you find a small text under your photo with the word delete photo, then click on that text, I have also try it this way it works
By @azukiajorka.354725
This is during the submission phase, not after they have been accepted.