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Adobe dice que por problemas de calidad, pero eso no especifica mucho.
Monochrome conversions aren't allowed.
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I am guessing this is an image of a boarded wall? Perhaps the side of a barn? There is lots of texture and some sharp lines horizontally and almost vertical. But what besides an abstract image is it saying to me? My eye wanders looking for some kind of direction or focal point. I am not sure how this image would be used in stock photography - perhaps as a studio background for portraits?
I would be interested in hearing what were your ideas in making this image.
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El render esta isnpirado en las calles de Capitolio de mi cuidad natal Caracas, cuando caminas por las calles de Capitolio alrededor de las 9 am o 10 am, te encuentras con muchas paredes de concreto y muchas sombras de arboles que estan alrededor. Deje un espacio en el centro sin sombra en donde podria ir agregado algun elemento utilizando alguna tecnica de fotomontaje.
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Monochrome conversions aren't allowed.
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El problema es la conversion?, porque si aceptan imagenes monocromaticas.
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You did not post the original sized file. There may still be other errors in.
And yes, having monochrome assets in the database does not invalidate @Jill_C's answer, as you do not know when those pictures got accepted.
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Apparently you haven't read the Adobe Help pages.
Don’t: Convert your image to black and white or duotone. Buyers want the maximum flexibility provided by the full color image. 
Adobe Stock acquired the stock agency Fotolia some years ago and it is possible that the inventory from that stock agency contained black & white images.
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ok muchas gracias, esa regla no la habia leido, asi que probablemente si envio de nuevo el render con el color original, puede que me lo acepten.
esa regla solo aplica cuando se convierte el color de una imagen? porque yo envie otro render en blanco y negro y si me lo aceptaron, pero la diferencia es que el archivo original si es en blanco y negro y no una conversion.
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I don't think the Moderators have any way of knowing that a file has been converted. They just look at the image and determine that it's a scene that can reasonably expect to have had some color in its original state. It's also possible that they rejected your image for another reason - perhaps the highlights which may be blown out. I didn't I inspect the histogram for the image so I can't be sure.
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Here you go:
The histogram shows a highly imbalanced image.
It's not exactly a monochrome image, as the floor has a kind of beige tint.
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por que es un mal histograma? no esta sobreexpuesto y tampoco subexpuesto
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por que es un mal histograma? no esta sobreexpuesto y tampoco subexpuesto
By @Adex27520768y2zr
Sorry, but I need to contradict. To the left of the histogram, the blacks are missing, to the right the whites.
I've checked with the image you've presented here. The histogram you presented shows the same defects.
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no veo cual es el problema de que los negros y los blancos puros no esten presentes, pero no me malinterprestes, agradesco mucho que me ayudes a ser un mejor artista, busque en google, histogramas de fotos en clave alta y este es algo parecido.
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yo trabajo mucho con clave alta, y asi son algunos histogramas de clave alta, quieres decir que adobe stock no le gusta las imagenes en clave alta?
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Este es el Histograma del render