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By pictures i mean real life stock pictures keep getting rejected on adobe stock, i don't know if adobe stock has completely shifted their focus towards AI generated pictures and vectors but the fact that the one and only image that i submitted here got rejected within 6 hours after submission and it was selected by other big stock websites which makes me believe that it was not rejected by a moderator but by a automated bot or something which further makes me think that adobe has somewhat stopped giving that much importance to the stock contributions of a real life stock images captured by a camera since on adobe stock website as well not more than 1000 results appear per search whereas on other big stock websites results goes upto 20,000 regarding a certain search, do you guys think the same? should we as well jump into creating AI generated images and illustrations to thrive on this stock website?
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I submit AI generated images and I'm noticing that 40% of my images are rejected. It sounds like they are rejecting real-life and AI generated. When it is rejected with such a broad term of 'quality issues' then it does not give me enough information to correct the problem. I'm ready to stop submitting all together because I do not know what the problem is or how to correct it. Are they giving you more specific information? Or are they just saying 'quality issues'?
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the same thing is happening to me with images generated with artificial intelligence, what I'm getting is quality problems.
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Good to know. I've been trying to understand what to look for but so far not figuring it out. If I were a photographer then maybe I could spot the issues.
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Exactly i have submitted the last 10 pictures that i submitted to adobe which were rejected by them, to other big stock websites and they were accepted in an instance, i also think according to my research, adobe is giving more importance to high quality images produced and created by big studios and big teams. Yeah, giving quality issues as one of the rejection reasons is a broad term and it is really unfair but do you know what's even more unfair? "AESTHETIC OR COMMERCIAL APPEAL OF IMAGE", have your ever got one of your assets rejected because of this reason? adobe simply just ASSUMES that people won't like or buy your image even BEFORE putting our assets in front of those potential buyers...what a joke.
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I haven't received a rejection like that yet but I do agree with you, it would be frustrating. I am making an effort to see what people are downloading before I make the images in most cases but it would seem there are all types of customers that may purchase just about anything.
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It is not the moderators' jobs to teach one how to take better photographs or to find errors in generated images. They review thousands of images per day and if there were even a means for moderators to provide more specific information, review times would come to a complete standstill.
Unfortunately, when it comes to AI images especially, I've yet to find any instances of a YouTuber showing how to spot errors. Quite the opposite, in fact. They usually ooo and ahhh over every result unless there is a glaring defect.
In any event, helping people to detect errors or the possible reasons why images get rejected is what this forum is for. Contributors are always welcome to upload a couple of their rejected images for assistance.
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If they are rejecting images then obviously they are finding for something specific in the images and have some sort of set rules and regulations for rejection and acceptance which means they should let contributors know those set rules and regulations as well and if the contributors think that their images comply with all of the set rules and regulations than the moderators might be finding out new sort of problems in the images and rejecting them.
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You could read this. It's about what the current trends are:
Artist hub
As for AI-generated images, you have to look very closely at the generative images, because when you do, you notice quite a lot of errors, which are not apparent at first glance.
Creating AI images is not as easy as people think!! (Because people do.)
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Mate i can understand that creating AI generated images is hard but you didn't understood the question or discussion i am trying to do, i am trying to to figure out if adobe has started to consider and started to give more importance to AI generated images over real life images captured by photographers.
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I don't think that preference is given to AI.
Adobe tends to be a lot more strict in their moderation, so in terms of quality issues for a photo, there are numerous things to look for.
Colour balance
Whether the horizon is straight and so on.
If you have a good photo, it won't be rejected.
It's not so much that Adobe has shifted their focus, but rather that the market has changed, and as a result, there is a flood of AI images on the market, probably more than digital photos.
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I am trying to to figure out if adobe has started to give more importance to AI generated images over real life images captured by photographers.By @Siyyam5EB7
There's nothing to support your theory. Stock is a business, not a photo contest. Stock makes money from assets (all assets) that sell. Period. There's no profit made from rejected content. In fact it costs them time & money to review assets.
Priority is assigned to highest quality no matter what type they are -- photos, videos, 2-D motion graphic templates, vector graphics, illustrations/drawings/paintings, 3-D renderings, generative AI or whatever...
Compare your work with similar inventory to ensure yours as at least as good, if not better than what Stock has. If yours is not better or unique in some way, maybe you shouldn't submit it here. There are other royalty-free image services besides Stock.
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Mam Nancy O'Shea, i am a business and management graduate and i know how businesses work, Yes, you are correct, adobe is infact a business and not a photo contest which shows why adobe would choose to indulge and prefer the AI generative type of content instead of digital real life pictures of contributors since it is more in trend and has more demand nowadays.
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You can choose to believe whatever you want. But that doesn't make it true.
Your photo is either Stock-worthy, or it's not. It's really that simple.
Show us a full-sized rejection. I guarantee you AI has nothing to do with why your work was not accepted.
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Image Quality for commercial use is a broad subject with many factors including but not limited to proper lighting, focal distance, camera angle, color balance and overall image clarity.
If you want meaninful feedback from the user-to-user community, post 1 or 2 rejected full-sized images here.
In the meantime, review the image requirements in your Stock Contributor User Guide. Adobe Stock customers expect the highest visual and technical quality for use in commercial projects -- print, digital and textiles.