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Olá, gostaria de saber porque minhas ilustrações foram recusadas.
Olhando os requisitos de qualidade, não consgui identificar nenhum motivo para as recusas.
Triste demorar tanto para ser feita a análise, e quando a ilustração é recusada, vem uma explicação genérica do motivo.
Your watermark/signature is not allowed.
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Your watermark/signature is not allowed.
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There is only a generic refusal reason. You are supposed to read the contributor guide and submit perfect assets. But even a generic refusal would help us to understand the indicated reason. Your signature is not allowed. That's clear. You also have excessive white around your illustrations. That could also be a reason. For the modern buildings, if they exist, you will need a property release.
If you are new to stock, you should consider these resources:
Please read the contributor user manual for more information on Adobe stock contributions:
See here for rejection reasons:
and especially quality and technical issues:
If you are a generative AI contributor, please look into these instructions and follow them by the letter:
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Hi @diego29162631u6s4 ,
I zoomed on on one of your art - the first one. I inspected the tower. There are inconsistency with the lines and also broken lines. For example the line at the top of the tower is broken. At the right side of the tower there is a gap between two lines that a third line running parallel to the gap other than closing it.
I suggest you zoom in an inspect all your file for these inconsistencies.
Best wishes
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Dos & Don'ts:
Vector Graphic Submission Requirements:
Known Image Restrictions:
Property Releases: