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Всім привіт, у мене така проблема. Я завантажую векторний файл AI і JPEG і створюю з них папку Zip. Потім я завантажую цей файл для перевірки, і він відхиляється з такої причини: векторний файл містить растрове/растрове зображення, а векторні файли не повинні містити растрові елементи.
Файл попереднього перегляду JPEG мав занадто високий ступінь стиснення, що спричиняло проблеми з текстурами у файлі.
Роздільна здатність файлу попереднього перегляду JPEG має бути принаймні 5000 X 3000 (15 мільйонів пікселів).
Під час експорту векторного файлу у формат JPEG не використовувалося згладжування, тому виникли проблеми з лініями у файлі JPEG. Я не можу зрозуміти, в чому проблема, тому що я перевірив файл 100 разів і не знайшов у ньому жодних проблем, можливо, у когось така ж проблема
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If you say AI are you saying "generative AI" or "Adobe Illustrator".
Without seeing your original vector file, it would be difficult to consult on the error. However, combining a vector and a JPEG in a ZIP file is no more necessary, as Adobe is generating the preview now correcly. They are ignoring your JPEG, so anyting in the JPEG would not generate a refusal. The message, however, has not (yet) been adapted, so it still talks of obsolete issues.
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Hi @oksana30472799ohh2 ,
Bitmap files are rasterized files and their edges are not smooth when expanded beyond a specific size. The edge will carry a serrated appearance and if examined closely the file displays small squares interpret as pixels. This phenomenon is manifested in your files when stretched.
No mater how much you stretch your Adobe Illustrator (AI), also known as vector, the lines should be smooth and there should be no pixelated appearance. If these squares appears, or a serrated line appearance your file will be refused as bitmap or rasterized.
You must stay clear of using the raster tool for your vectors. You must also check to make sure you do not introduce other images that are bitmap. If you did not introduce any of the following in your art, check to find out which tool it is that causes it and avoid its use.
If your files are generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) created, then you need to tick the appropriate box when submitting.
I hope this helps.
Best wishes
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Hello! Honestly, I wouldn't want to criticize, review or rate any files from other authors, but it just so happens that I'm already here on this forum and have a similar problem...
Well, so, I see the following disadvantages here:
- 5000x5000 pixels with a recommended of 4800 by 4800
- Clipping and, accordingly, a hudge numbers of vector objects that lies outside the artboard
- subjective - and this is unlikely to be the reason for the rejection, but - but the file is noticeably "heavy" and my "not the weakest" xeon with 32 GB of RAM and a 6 GB video processes it with some little lags, this is not good for the vector.
but only adobe support can tell you the real reason, maybe they simply didn't want to accept this file for no reason, the support team was in a bad mood, whatever.
try to crop all that path behind mask, reduce size to 4800x4800 and reupload. Maybe it will help
here wired preview
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Thank you so much!! For you answer!!!