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Rejection with technical issue, public profile and the way our photos shown.

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Aug 20, 2021 Aug 20, 2021

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Hello Adobe Support team,


Hope you guys are well and I want to ask several question:

1. about specific details on technical issues that you guys mention. I did some research of why a photo is rejected, grain, noise, blur etc but sometimes when we double check our photos it's ok. I have some photos that passed the QC but also several that are rejected. I also attached 2 examples of the ones that were rejected. For the landscape photo, is it because the grain or the artifact? if it is because of those reason, I use Fujifilm X-Pro1 and it's a common issue in the x-trans sensor known as the "watercolor effect", so will that be a common reason for the future rejection?

2. It's an abstract photo of geometry, targeted as probably wallpaper, part of illustration or graphic design purposes. It is a clean one, high key, nothing is blown out but it got rejected? May I know the specific reason?

3. I tried to look at my public profile and the only thing that came up was the cover photo for the public profile, none of my photos that I have uploaded shown there, so how will others find my photos? 
Also I tried to fine my photos using the specific title but none of my photo shows up?

I think that's it for now and thank you very much in advance

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Aug 20, 2021 Aug 20, 2021

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This is not the Adobe support team. There is no way to get info from the reviewer who rejected your photo. They rejected it, and gave their full reason. Why? Because they have thousands of photos to review every day, and any extra time for reasons or discussion takes time, and hence costs money.

The experienced community members (not Adobe staff) can guess - from their expertise and experience - why a photo might be rejected, and sometimes suggest improvements. Always remember that Adobe are looking for technically perfect photography, which is sometimes at odds with art and creativity.


For your last question: "how will others find my photos? " from the keywords. Keywording is everything, and needs careful thought - search on your planned keywords before you even take the photo. This is not a series of galleries for individual artists.





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Aug 21, 2021 Aug 21, 2021

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Hi Test Screen Name, first of all thank you very much for the respond and very sorry regarding addressing the commity and thank you very much for the correction, much appreciated. 

I see so the keyword is "technically perfect photography", I understand it from the marketing perspective but to be honest I find it contradicting just like a photo of a person with a sunset background with the sunset also lighting the person's face.


And about "my public profile", I am very sorry I did not attach it at the first message, I attach it on this message and is it suppose to be like that? and is that a problem or is it normal?

thank you very much in advance 





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Aug 20, 2021 Aug 20, 2021

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It's important to realize this is a a user driven message board, we have no affiliation with Adobe.  The most noticable technical problem to me is exposure.  The architecture shot is overexposed and the landscape shot is underexposed, the histogram reflected what my initial impression was on both.


Thanks for letting me critique your photo!


-George Folster

George F, Fine Art Landscape Photographer





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Aug 21, 2021 Aug 21, 2021

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Hi George, 

thank you for the respond and for addressing my misunderstanding on the first message. 
Also thank you very much for the critique, I really appreciate it and it definitely help me to understand the requirement that are needed to achieve in the stock photo world. 

I have several questions regarding the two photos in question, the exposure in the architecture shot is an artistic decision based on high key lighting principal and I believe it still retain all the details. Should it be well exposed it'll be very dull.

The second photo was on taken around sunset so the mountain become a silhouette along with the cityscape. Should I edit it to have the same exposure to balance the sunset it won't make sense.


These decision were made to achieve a certain look, so my questions are should we make everything just properly exposed in order to be accepted? and will artistic decision like these cause more disadvatage rather than advantage in the stock photo business?

Thank you very much George





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Aug 21, 2021 Aug 21, 2021

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Like @Test Screen Name wonderfully said, sometimes technically perfect photography is at odds with art and creativity.  Sometimes it would be great for a gallery, but just isn't going to work for a commercial application.  There are technical aspects that are straightforward like chromatic aberrations and noise, and others that are sort of subjective like exposure and composition.  Adobe is in the business of deciding what they think is going to sell well commercially, including deciding on some of the subjective technical items.


As far as the noise with the Fuji sensor and Adobe software, there are several ways around this.  I've heard of some using a converter to convert the .raw file into a .tiff before going into Lightroom and getting good results with that method.  You could also try removing the noise, I've heard Topaz DeNoise works well.  I have no personal experience though.


Yes, my opinion is that making the creative choice to underexpose the mountain and city photo this much will prevent it from being a commercially viable photo.  It's not that some underexposure is unacceptable, but I think this was just a bit too far.  I would advise you to look through other similar stock photos to see what the market is buying, I spotted several taken under similar conditions with a search of "cityscape at sunset".


Same thing with the overexposure of the architecture photo, the creative choice to overexpose was just a bit too much and the details were washed away to be a commercially viable photo in my opinion.  There were other things here too, I spotted noise, and the details weren't very sharp probably from shooting at f4 and 1/30th sec. 


But without knowing what the reviewer was thinking we are only left to speculate and we aren't sure of the exact reasons they chose not to accept it.  It will get easier to tell which photos will and won't be accepted as you put more through.


I wish you well in your photo quest!

George F, Fine Art Landscape Photographer





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Sep 06, 2021 Sep 06, 2021

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Hi George,

With the mountain/city view, the foreground is too dark, so much that you can't actually see what it is!

You have to balance it a bit more. I would use a graduated filter to expose the foreground a bit more. In my view the white balance is generally fine. You could add just a bit more warmth to the foreground.






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Aug 20, 2021 Aug 20, 2021

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Your first photo has several technical issues. White balance, exposure and noise are just a few of the alterations I made to create the following example:






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Aug 21, 2021 Aug 21, 2021

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Hello Ralph,


thank you very much for the respond and the explanation, I really appreciate it. 


as for the noise, it is actually the problem I mentioned earlier that it's because of the sensor, shot it on iso400 and for some unknown reason even though adobe has updated its software, it still manage to renders xpro1 images like this one. 


for the white balance, it is close to what I saw that morning, with a blue cast, so while I did increase the exposure on the citypart of the photo, I did it to have it as close as the original scene. and thank you for the suggested editing and is that the safe type of photot that adobe stock wants for us to upload?

Thank you very much Ralph





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Aug 21, 2021 Aug 21, 2021

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You're mixing different problems, that's not good, as others who follow this may get confused...


To your pictures: regardless of the camera you use, you should avoid the noise level as in your first picture. I think it would have been accepted, if the noise level would not have been that awfully high.


As of your abstract picture, you also have a high noise level, but in addition, it's missing contrast, and it's out of focus.



ABAMBO | Hard- and Software Engineer | Photographer





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Sep 04, 2021 Sep 04, 2021

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Hello Abambo, 


thank you very much for pointing out the mixing problems point. Won't do that again in the future to keep the focus on point. 


and thank you very mcuh for your reply regarding my photos.







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Aug 21, 2021 Aug 21, 2021

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As for your public profile, please post the URL. That allows us to look into it and to check if we see the same picture. We are not Adobe, so we can't look into your account.

ABAMBO | Hard- and Software Engineer | Photographer





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Aug 22, 2021 Aug 22, 2021

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Hi @Lee selling photos ,

You either added special effect to the first photo or it has some serious white balance issue. The photo is totally blue. That is not natural. Also it is under exposed. The second file is nothing. Details must be seen in whatever you upload, be it abstract or otherwise. Photos must be as close as possible to what it looks like in the real world. The customer will apply the necessary special effect to suit their project. Allowing room for customers to apply their own special effect will add value to your file in that more customers will buy the same file for contrasting projects.


When you upload, your files goes through a review process. This take approximately 5 days. Approved files are subsequently indexed and are made visible on your public portfolio and on the Adobe market between 24 and 48 hours later. If you by now do not see the photos you enquired about in your public portfolio then you need to send a ticket to Adobe via the "Contact us" at the bottom of your contributor page.


Best wishes


Photographer and Nutrition Author





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Sep 04, 2021 Sep 04, 2021

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Hi @jacquelingphoto2017 ,


very sorry for the delayed response, caught myself a dengue fever and just got out from the hospital. Thank you very much for the explanation about the photo. The WB might off a bit due to the auto WB and the presence of the sunset, but it is actually as close as my eyes see. Did not do funky color alteration whatsoever because I'm more on to how to preserve reality in my general style but I agree that might no be ideal for the customer on the stock photo market. 


And as for the profile, it is normal and everything shows up after a couple of week. Thank you very much for it, really appreciate it.







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