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Review Times for Illustrations

Community Beginner ,
Jul 17, 2023 Jul 17, 2023

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Hi it is now 24 days and my illustrations are still in the review pile...I have read a recent article on Adobe (and others) increasing their portfolios with AI creators and products and while this is part of the innovation of creativity (and future) monetization and market share where does this leave the illustrator who has contributed and sold their artistic works through this gateway? So a question - should I still remain loyal to my feeding the 'hungry beast' or migrate to other sites who do not keep me waiting above a week at most and are also developing AI for machine learning...there is a place for all but with a company as vast as Adobe would it seem too much of a stretch for their PR department to release a 'where do we go from here' statement to encourage us to stay...just a personal thought as a solo player trying to gain creative traction across the stock library board...thanks Matylda







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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Community Expert , Jul 17, 2023 Jul 17, 2023

You need to wait. Illustrations take up to 3 months for getting moderated, due to the high influx of generative AI. Sorry for that, as long as Adobe does not open a waiting queue for classic illustrators you are in the same boat.



Community Expert ,
Jul 17, 2023 Jul 17, 2023

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You need to wait. Illustrations take up to 3 months for getting moderated, due to the high influx of generative AI. Sorry for that, as long as Adobe does not open a waiting queue for classic illustrators you are in the same boat.

ABAMBO | Hard- and Software Engineer | Photographer





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Community Beginner ,
Jul 19, 2023 Jul 19, 2023

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Hi Abambo thanks for answering my post but sadly you have missed the point of my comments...I know already from connecting with the support team months ago that there is a queue and know am in the SAME BOAT as many others. As this is part of my creative business model my concerns are that this waiting time is not going to go away, in fact it will become a much wider issue in the future with the growth of AI and machine learning etc...therefore it would show consideration by the Adobe management team to make provision for illustrators (classic) as you call us to do something about this issue or at least take notice of our concerns...and to use the phrase - that I am in the same boat as others is rather insulting to say the least to a client in any business...so back to my original question...is it worthwhile for me to continue uploading my illustrations as I have been doing for a long time or navigate my creativity to other stock library competitors completely? Perhaps this feed can be esculated to a higher team member in the Adobe company structure. Thank you Matylda





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Community Expert ,
Jul 19, 2023 Jul 19, 2023

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As an Adobe Contributor, you're not a client; you're a vendor. There does seem to be a common understanding here that Buyers have more clout than Contributors which is understandable because Buyers pay a monthly subscription fee to access Stock, whereas Contributors don't generate any income for Adobe unless their images are actually sold. Nevertheless, I think that the issue of traditional Illustrations being stuck in the queue with AI is understood by Adobe. I agree that they should separate these out from AI, which they should be able to do because all AI submissions have a checkbox that identifies them as such. 

Jill C., Forum Volunteer





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Community Expert ,
Jul 19, 2023 Jul 19, 2023

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It's unfortunate, that you are in the same queue than generative AI submitters. I do not see, however any of my phrase is insulting. You need to read the whole sentence please.

as long as Adobe does not open a waiting queue for classic illustrators you are in the same boat.

There are several actions that Adobe took, to master the problem. First they limit the number of assets contributors can have outstanding, but that froze only the waiting time growth and did not yet bring it down to a more recent time. Then, I have the impression, that they shifted resources to the illustration queue. Now we have also longer waiting times in the other queues. 


Then you seem to misunderstand your status. You are a supplier to Adobe stock, not a customer. Adobe can chose to prioritize your assets or not. And Adobe will make that choice based on sales and success of the different players. You can move on to a different stock supplier and contribute there (you even can do that, without giving up Adobe stock). But at the end of the day, you probably do not produce enough, to hit the waiting queue upload limit, which is somewhere between 50 and 3000, when we interpret the numbers correctly, that we get. So simply continue uploading at your pace and producing your assets. As long as you upload regularily, your assets will get moderated regularily. You just need to keep an eye on the waiting time for seasonal assets. You will need to start submitting those early.


Your sales should not get a hit from this and that is the important thing. So, I would simply continue submitting as before. 



ABAMBO | Hard- and Software Engineer | Photographer





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Community Expert ,
Jul 19, 2023 Jul 19, 2023

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To echo some of the other comments, I also get the feeling Adobe understands the frustration and we've seen several measures lately that shows Adobe is trying to mitigate the long review times.


From the math that I've done from the observations of what I've seen posted here, I suspect the number of assets Adobe is receiving has grown by 10x-20x or even more.  8 months isn't a long time to grow a business by 10x-20x.


Adobe is a non-exclusive platform, there isn't any reason you can't submit both here and other stock sites.  In fact, I would encourage it!


With all sincerity, I wish you good luck with your submissions!

George F, Photographer & Forum Volunteer





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Community Expert ,
Jul 19, 2023 Jul 19, 2023

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Also, view it how you wish, but I got the impression of sympathy from @Abambos post.  He started the sentence you reference with "Sorry for that", and I believe that statement to be genuine.



George F, Photographer & Forum Volunteer





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