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Can I use any sftware to make images and vectors to adobe stock.?
Is there any limitations on using softwares?
eg- 3ds max, maya etc.
Thank you
Use anything you want.
You may use anything you want to create. But all what you submit needs to be cleared by property releases. So, if you use a model created by a third party, and you put it into a scene to render, you need to have the right to use that model for commercial applications. If you model a character after a living person, you must have a model release, etc. Your renders will be considered more or less like photographs.
This is also true for sharpness, exposure, noise…
So be sure to read the manual
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Use anything you want.
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Thank you sir,
Should all 3d renderings belongs to illustration catrgory too?
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Just one tip: if it is a realistic render you MUST say so in the description. Adobe's customers become very upset if the preview makes them think they are getting a photo, but it turns out to be a render.
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thank you for tip, I will put images as 3D renderings in adobe stock
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You may use anything you want to create. But all what you submit needs to be cleared by property releases. So, if you use a model created by a third party, and you put it into a scene to render, you need to have the right to use that model for commercial applications. If you model a character after a living person, you must have a model release, etc. Your renders will be considered more or less like photographs.
This is also true for sharpness, exposure, noise…
So be sure to read the manual before starting very complex renderings of objects that will never pass. If you are new to stock, you should consider these resources:
Please read the contributor user manual for more information on Adobe stock contributions:
See here for rejection reasons:
and especially quality and technical issues: