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Hello and welcome. Please help me constructively criticize my photo. The work was rejected by Adobe Stock due to quality issues. The photo was taken at night. I already have some experience, but I can't deal with it. Thank you for any help.
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It's not sharply focused, and I'm not sure this type of long exposure with ghostly figures is something Adobe would consider to have commercial appeal.
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Thank you for your suggestion.
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The reflection in the sky is not good. Some highlights are overexposed. The artwork on the side may require an IP release.
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are we talking about these soldier figures?
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are we talking about these soldier figures?
By @Mariusz&adwenju
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Yes, the artwork printed on the side of the carriages might be advertising or the IP of a company.
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Your post is too small, to see all possible defects, but @RALPH_L is right: the artwork needs a property release. Your picture is overexposed, I would bring down the exposure a bit.
And then you need to edit out that lens reflection. It's disturbing:
It also seems that the camera moved during the take.
The steel construction in the background also looks like a double exposure.
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Thank you for such a detailed description. I'll try to re-upload after fixing the bugs. Third time lucky.
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Thank you for such a detailed description. I'll try to re-upload after fixing the bugs. Third time lucky.
By @Mariusz&adwenju
You can try, but you probably still need the property release for the soldiers.
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I'll have to paint over.
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Is it better now?
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You need to submit it. If it passes, it was OK. Your asset posted here is too small to make a clear assessment of the picture. But this has more chances to pass, than the previous version.
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Still too blurry, and there is chroma noise.
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Do you mean the sky when it comes to the noise of chromination?
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Chroma noise is colour noise. As the asset is to small as published here, it's difficult to discuss artefacts, noise and sharpness. There is more artwork on the train. I first thought of it as a reflection, but it is artwork and will probably also cause an IP failure.