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In my opinion, these are the most important modifications that must be made in Adobe Stock to make it much better. Before contesting the opinions, read them first and accept them. Certainly, you also suffer from problems and want solutions to them.
If you agree that you want amendments to these points as well, please add a vote for this post, or just copy it and try to suggest some of these ideas to the moderators if you are able to reach them, perhaps at least one point will be resolved.
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First, more customization for the portfolio: The Portfolio in Adobe needs more customization, and you must add at least two lines to describe yourself and the work that you do, or make it possible to display a way to communicate with you. The problem with this step is that Adobe will not want you to communicate with someone outside the site because it will lose the percentage of profit, so we move to the second point.
Secondly, it would be good to add the possibility of searching for images owned by a specific contrbutor, or searching for the contrbutor himself. Some people may prefer to buy specific businesses from a specific person, as in reality some buyers are more comfortable with merchants than other merchants. If the matter had been a failure, it would not have been implemented at sutterstock. This may increase the chance of people purchasing the content you produce. they can also add a button to follow specific contrbutors, so you get notifications when new assets come, It is not difficult.
Third, cookie issues: Some issues related to cookies must be resolved which leads to your portfolio not appearing to you, but it appears to others normally.
The device on which you are logged in does not display your portfolio, but on other devices on which you are not logged in, it appears normally.
Fourth, the keyword tool: There is no doubt that the keywords provided by Adobe Stock are small when compared to those provided by shutterstock. You can notice the difference in the number of keywords and suggestions. The Adobe Stock team must work a little to improve the suggested keywords, and it would also be better Adding a tool that brings you images similar to your images and the keywords they contain, and you can choose the keywords that you like from them. The matter is applied in shutterstock and it is really successful. Man, imagine how much time you will save writing keywords and thinking about them.
Fifth: A comprehensive solution to the strange problems and complaints that appear regarding accepting images full of errors and rejecting good ones. We do not know the nature of the Adobe team’s view of the work and whether they examine all the images or judge all of them by some, but there is no doubt that the issue occurred to you or You are tired of the many posts complaining about the topic.
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ok, thanks for your long reply.
No, I do not have to accept them. Why should I? You could expect that people read what you have to say before contesting, but they surely do not accept them.
I meant for you to understand it, digest it well, I use a translator to translate from Arabic to English better. Not all the eloquent meanings in Arabic exist/are translated correctly into English. The word was translated to “you agreed to it.” Why should I force you as a person to agree with my opinion?
Upvoting your post does not make you earn a cent. Adobe does, for most of the posts, not read this forum. Sorry for that, but it is wasted effort. Nobody can reach out to the moderators except some employees of Adobe stock.
yes, i know that,
I said, “Or copy the comment and just send it to a moderator,” which means that I don’t care about, “Who among us will send the comment or write the idea in his name?” I thought there was hope that the moderators would see some of the ideas and perhaps implement them, especially if one of you is familiar with them. You are old here.
Also, by voting for the comment, a result may appear on Google for anyone who searches. It is not a money idea. I just wanted to implement even an idea.
Again: customers do not search for your assets, they search for assets. When they find an asset that pleases them, there are tools to look for similar assets. That's much more profitable for you as a contributor and for Adobe. Using Shutterstock as an example of good sales is a joke. I do much more money and I have much more sales here on Adobe stock than I have on Shutterstock. So both, the amount and the numbers are more favourable for Adobe. And that even without all these whistles and bells. But it may be, that stock has the big advantage of being an integrated product to Creative Cloud. I agree, that advantage is unfair against the competition.
I learned this in a previous topic, but adding some customization also will not harm anything. For myself, when I find a picture that I like, I go to the portfolio of the contributors to see their work. There may be a very small percentage of purchases by entering someone’s portfolio, but it still exists.
as i saw in videos also, that the profits in adobe stock are better than shutterstock, But the comfort of publishing is more comfortable on the other platform.
That is more a region issue. In what region are you located? When I check my portfolio, it is the same as when other people look at my portfolio.
i'm in Egypt, I also found people in articles here who complained about the same problem. It could be a regional problem, but man, do I have to solve it myself? I live in Egypt, I definitely shouldn't travel to another country to solve the problem, the problem is still on their side as well.
The matter is not only in my portfolio, but there are files, and many portfolios also that do not appear when searching. A problem like this certainly affects sales on the sites to a large extent, and thus the income from the site for Adobe as well.
Agree, the keyword tool could do a better job.
No, the issue did not occur to me. But the issue surfaced when Adobe started accepting generative AI assets, and the moderators were not prepared for this. Most of the generative AI contributors throw anything against the wall, and see what sticks. It is rare that good assets get refused. I have seen here on the fora, during my years of presence may be three or four of such assets, where I simply could not explain, why the asset got refused. None of those was mine. My refusals are always for cause, even if I sometimes don't agree. I have some refusals for noise where I consider the noise level to be correct. But OK, I reduced the noise a little bit more and they passed. No harm done.
you did not differ much on the basic principle that I meant. There are many problems that occur due to damaged artificial intelligence images, and the matter has become repeated frequently, and if you are not one of those to whom this happens, then you are on the other side, the side that has been disturbed by the large number of repeated messages complaining about this. The matter. In both cases, the dilemma affected you or you saw an aspect of it, at the very least: the very long period of review. What I meant was finding an effective, radical solution to this situation. You are supposed to be the first to call for finding a solution to this problem.
I think that's more clear, isn't it?
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That is more a region issue. In what region are you located? When I check my portfolio, it is the same as when other people look at my portfolio.i'm in Egypt, I also found people in articles here who complained about the same problem. It could be a regional problem, but man, do I have to solve it myself? I live in Egypt, I definitely shouldn't travel to another country to solve the problem, the problem is still on their side as well.
The matter is not only in my portfolio, but there are files, and many portfolios also that do not appear when searching. A problem like this certainly affects sales on the sites to a large extent, and thus the income from the site for Adobe as well.
By @Worker404
Egypt is one of the restricted countries that do not show the full database, but only a tiny number of assets that are in the database. Anything that gets newly submitted and accepted will not be visible in your region. I suspect, that additional vetting is dependent on the number of sales that your asset has. That penalizes highly localized content. All other content not targeted to local culture will sell as all other assets sell. Most of the regions are open, so most of the customers can buy all assets.
It is, however, not something of Adobe's choice, but imposed on Adobe by local governments. As there are 2 zones, restricted and unrestricted, you get penalized, even if a certain asset would be acceptable for your region. I have only an infinitely small number of assets visible in your region.
Smaller providers (and I talk not about stock alone) may not have that restriction, but it is as it is. Adobe, as a highly global company, is vulnerable to restrictive laws. It's an issue we have all to live with. Incidentally, travelling to a different country does not help, as your account still “sits” in Egypt.
As for your fifth point (you should have copied your numbering so that I would not have to look back into your original rant):
I differ a lot from your perspective. There are simply not enough good assets that are refused to make a point out of that. There are, however, countless bad assets in the database, that should never have made it in. That's a huge difference. The situation improved, but still, there are problems. As a stock buyer, I simply avoid generative AI. I do not see any use in that for stock. And I think that moderators are poorly trained to not refusing the most obvious errors. But the situation may also be a consequence of mass submission from some users.
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1. This is a user-to-user community; not a direct pipeline to Adobe.
2. As non-employee Contributors, we have no say in how Adobe runs their business or their websites. That's not our wheelhouse.
3. If you get hired by Adobe, maybe they'll allow you to make recommendations to upper-level decision-makers.
Good luck.
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Absolutely agree and I can add 10 more things. But it feels like it goes how it goes. Thanks God, Adobe in general is super company. Anyway, I believe in 1-2 years we will see renovation of procces.
By the way, everything is here also visible for Adobe Company, so doesnt matter that they not answer here, they read.
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The main page should contain a short description of 2-3 sentences. Next there should be a page with a more precise description. As far as I understand, they are removing this so that people do not contact us directly. However, I am sure they will come up with a complete portfolio and open contact information.
Collections. We only display 2 collections, I have 20 of them. Of course, they would clutter the main page. Therefore, collections must be displayed on a separate “Collections” tab.
Improved portfolio search - yes, yes, and yes again. I have a search bar, but it almost never works.
Keywords - I didn’t know that there could be much more of them, it seemed to me that there were so many. However, stock portfolios are becoming more and more complex and original with the advent of AI, I can see this in my portfolio. And standard words will clearly not be enough. Yes, I am for an increase of at least 50-100%.
Ratings. Some kind of ratings or just articles in a magazine that would help the buyer navigate this huge world of the portfolios. For example, “20 fashion photographers” or “20 ECO portfolios”, or “20 amazing pixel art artists”.
In principle, I would like to see more articles, you can make a good magazine on different topics, literally 7-10 materials per month will be enough to have comments, discussions and community.
Feedback - I heard that there is a problem with this. But I haven’t encountered it myself and I don’t know what’s wrong. Maybe they don’t answer only when they know for sure that you are a scammer? Maybe not. I don't have accurate information. When someone steals $100 from you, he is no longer your client, but a lawbreaker.
Cleaning of 6-fingered people 🙂 This has already happened! Thanks God.
I really like Adobe’s articles about trends and what’s missing in a portfolio.
I really like to know how many views have my photos, not just sales.
This page is awesome
But right now there is an AI portfolio with huge errors that can be seen right 1 km away.