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Hi. Lately Adobe has rejected almost all my photos, including some than are alredy selling good in another websites, where they don't reject almost anyone. is kind of annoying because before they accepted around 95% of the photos and now non of them and nothing really change in the editions or quality.
Someone has the same lately?
I attached some examples of the rejected batches
1 Correct answer
Have you checked the photo at 100% enlargement?
There is a lot of noise, so either reduce the noise during development or shoot at a lower sensitivity.
The focus is out.
Alternatively, narrow the aperture a bit more and shoot so that a wider range is in focus.
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Have you checked the photo at 100% enlargement?
There is a lot of noise, so either reduce the noise during development or shoot at a lower sensitivity.
The focus is out.
Alternatively, narrow the aperture a bit more and shoot so that a wider range is in focus.
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Thank you, I will try to do a shooting again and check it out. normally my ISO is under 500 and the aperture with that objetive is 1.4. maybe at the editing the noise inceases too much?
On Istock and shutterstock most of them were accepted and already some have been sold.
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In Lightroom and CameraRAW, the luminance noise parameter is set to 0 by default.
Just raising it to 20-30 should change the graininess.
The AI ​​noise reduction is also excellent.
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Cool, Thank you. I will try it now and see.
I just started the stock a couple of months back and I appreciate this tips.
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Shooting at f1.4 is going to result in a very narrow DOF which means the foreground and background are going to be blurry and only a narrow sliver of the scene will be in focus. Many such images will be rejected by Adobe. As you've learned, acceptance at other stock sites is no guarantee of acceptance by Adobe.
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Please tell me what photos you are selling in those photos?
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Don't understand your question... can you rephrase it?