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I am unable to save assets to existing libraries and I'm unable to create a new library. Currently working on a six month old Mac mini and in a chrome browser – which is where I've consistently and successfully worked with assets before...
What is the latest on this fix, I don't see anything posted since May 2021?
I just chatted with an agent through support that pointed me to look into my deleted files. All my old files from a project nearly 2 years ago were still sitting in a deleted queue...! I kept looking into 'files' and sync settings, didn't see 'deleted' tab...
Here is the link the agent shared with me:
This resolved the issue, now saving to new libraries without any problem. Thanks for your help anyway!
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Please update this thread with what you discover. Your feedback can be helpful to others.
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Thanks for the response - getting back into new projects now and problem still exists. This is quite inconvenient to our workflow...
Answering your questions in order:
No, less than 500 assets TOTAL, largest library had 80 assets - which I deleted; I THEN deleted a few older libraries around 5-7 years old and still doesn't work
I deleted one library that had an ampersand, then I logged out of Adobe and logged back in a new window. I'm using Chrome, recently updated.
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One more thing to check, how much Creative Cloud storage do you have? If you have exceeded your storage you won't be able to add to your libraries.
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Thanks for the suggestion!
I just ended up down to 30 minute rabbit hole trying to resolve the fact that my cloud storage is full – even though I don't want anything saving to cloud storage??? I understand that my plan comes with 100 GB of Cloud storage but I don't care to utilize it and from what I can understand after a trip down this rabbit hole, there's no way to disable this or 'delete' files from storage in order to remedy THIS problem, per your tip... [the rabbit hole I am referring to involved other posts on the Adobe community forum which seem to confirm the lack of control we have over our own storage...]
If you know how I can remedy my storage being exceeded I would greatly appreciate the advice!
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You should be able to remove files from your Creative Cloud folder that is synced to your computer.
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I don't think storage is the problem here. As I was investigating this yesterday I figured I wasn't looking in the right place for my files since there was only 5 Photoshop files showing up there that totaled 2MB... I didn't have the time or the energy to confirm whether I was looking in the right place - based on the few other users comments, so I figured if I asked how to remove files I could confirm I was looking in the right place.
With Creative Cloud panel open, I'm clicking on the files tab and all I see are the five Photoshop files totaling 2MB.
So with all of the above troubleshooting confirmed, where do I go from here? I just tried to do a search from the 'stock and marketplace' tab within the creative cloud panel and I'm getting the same error message when I try to save something to my library.
Adobe will be losing business from this project as I can find the same stock video on shutterstock… I'd rather work within my own libraries here, but there's no way for me to start compiling this project without this fundamental simple feature. Please help!
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That indicates you are over your storage quota. Please go to and you can delete and download files from Creative Cloud. You may want to review the items in your libraries as well.
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I just chatted with an agent through support that pointed me to look into my deleted files. All my old files from a project nearly 2 years ago were still sitting in a deleted queue...! I kept looking into 'files' and sync settings, didn't see 'deleted' tab...
Here is the link the agent shared with me:
This resolved the issue, now saving to new libraries without any problem. Thanks for your help anyway!
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So glad customer care was able to help and thanks for sharing the link.
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Making people join the unworkable, buggy Creative Cloud to manage a feature/storage that they did not request so that the service they pay for will be functional is not really "help"
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I have the same problem, I can't save assets to my existing or new libraries.
Deleting permanently my old file didnt help at all and there is no symboles or strange character in any of my name files. So I dunno what I m suppose to do.
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Same issue here. Adobe has been aware of this issue for months, and I posted about this issue too. Please fix ASAP.
I cannot create libraries from the Adobe Stock website. I cannot add Adobe Stock photos to my library. This is terrible and wasted hours so far... and being here takes away further from my productivity.
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I have this problem too and it is not because of too many images - I am unable to create any new library.
The "support" person said 'this is the solution' and gave me a link to a post from last year full of other Adobe Stock customers with the same issue, unresolved.
I prefer the images on Adobe to those on iStock but I have to say, their "boards" work brilliantly. I can create as many as I want, share with team members and create mini-project boards. I don't know why Adobe think people have time to sit arounds being served useless "solutions" by them - it is insulting.
This feature should be a priority fix for them and the fact it is obviously not makes me think they're not really investing in Adobe Stock or customer service.
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Additionally I did see the suggestion about creative cloud - i don't use creative cloud and I don't want to have to create an account to use that cluttered interface - which always downloads a whole heap of crud onto my desktop - just to delete items i did not ask to be stored in the cloud. To enable a non-needed feature without the customer's consent and then make it so their usability is diminished if they don't manage this non-requested feature is a pretty dud move.
Not only that, it doesn't work - I'm told i cannot log into CC as I don't have an account but when I go to join, i says I already have an account. So that is broken too. If someone with actual insight into how this company works could let us know if they intend to maintain Adobe Stock in the future and offer legit usability/support, it would be helpful. I am off to try and finish my project on iStock.
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But thanks for the other non-requested feature - a Library item I don't want, which is empty and which I cannot delete - it's called Adobe Color.
Seriously, this is really slack and insulting.
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I did manage to log into Creative Cloud and I deleted everything on there.
It still says I am over quota and yes I cleared the cache.
The libraries on my actual account are now empty - every image I saved is gone.
I still cannot create a new library.
I've lost multiple images I intended to buy or look into using in the future.
I just upgraded my account but if this is not going to be fixed, I would like to cancel and refund.
The workaround - and this is pathetic - is that I would have to screenshot the images I like and have my own little folder of them to share via email. Thanks for wasting my time, insulting me with pathetic non-solutions and forcing me to delete my entire libraries to date in a hopeless attempt to work a basic feature - new question: now that i have zero images in libraries, why does it say I am over quota? Shameless grab for money or just a buggy feature because making Adobe Stock usable for customers is not a priority. Both? That would be great - money gouge and make it unworkable. How do i cancel and get a refund?
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When you sign into Check not only Your libraries but also Your Files. If you are over in your storage this will prevent you from creating new libraries or adding content to libraries.
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About the library I aggree with you its a pain and they should have repair that over a year ago, but about CC I dont understand what you mean. I have been using CC for about 2 years and it never install anything on my desktop or create any clutter. It is just a loggin interface for all you adobe products, nothing more. 😃
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Please don't post to multiple threads. I've answered your question in your standalone post.
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I have the same problem, I can't save assets to my existing or new libraries.
This problem should have been fix over a year ago, dunno what they are doing.
Deleting permanently my old file didnt help at all and there is no symboles or strange character in any of my name files. I also dont have too many images in one library. So I dunno what I m suppose to do.