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Decisions adobe makes to favor the business over their customers

New Here ,
Dec 30, 2022 Dec 30, 2022

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The problem is the video thing at adobe stock, i allready have a subsciption.

I need a even more expensive subscription just to download 3 videos a month?
You know there are internet sites that offer unlimited resources for a slightly bigger fee, but way more recources to price ratio.

You get 33% and adobe takes 67%, is that a fair deal? That is most ridiculous deal i have ever seen.
It would not suprise me if in some countries you could get stampted as a fraudulent company when doing that. As are no justifiable reason they need to take that much.
I get it, The US has this self destructive mindset where everyone is competing with each other and step on each other to reach the top.
I think being sociopath also is not far away from the same mindset.
I am really curious how someone can run a buissness like this and feel no remorse.


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Community Expert ,
Dec 30, 2022 Dec 30, 2022

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What is your problem?


If you want to have video included, you need to take the 25-assets/month plan. I have the feeling that stock is a great business for Adobe. They are integrating their products with stock, which does make the user, Adobe, and the contributors happy. The Adobe Express plan even has limited stock access included.


“You” is who? The contributor? The deal is what it is. As a contributor, I get more money from Adobe stock than all other stock sites together. The minimum payout is $0.33/asset. On other sites, I only get $0.10. Am I becoming a rich guy? No. Would I love to get more? Yes. Am I unhappy? No. I'm not forced to contribute, and I can pull my assets at any moment.

ABAMBO | Hard- and Software Engineer | Photographer





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