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Hi Twarita,
I accidentally licensed this resume template:
But I have not downloaded it. Is there a way to remove it from my account and reimburse me for the one credit? Thank you in advance!
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Hi Erin,
Sorry for the trouble it has caused to you.
Since you have accidentally licensed 1 Adobe Stock file, I have added 1 image license to your account so that you can use it against a different image.
Hope this helps!
Feel free to update this thread in case of any additional questions.
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Branching to a new discussion,
Hi Erin,
Sorry for the trouble it has caused to you.
Since you have accidentally licensed 1 Adobe Stock file, I have added 1 image license to your account so that you can use it against a different image.
Hope this helps!
Feel free to update this thread in case of any additional questions.
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Hi Twarita, it took me two accidental clicks on the bottom left corner of pictures to realize that clicking that corner licenses that image. I haven't downloaded them. Can you return them so I haven't wasted my credits? Also maybe you should consider putting up a confirmatory dialogue after someone clicks the bottom corner of an image in the "search" images list.
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looping in Sheena Kaul or EvilBugQueen1 for expert advice.
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Hello S. H.,
Please provide the ID numbers for the files you accidentally licensed.
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Hi S. H.,
I've confirmed that you licensed this image and have granted you a replacement license. Tell me, I see that you licensed other assets previously, how were these licensed that is different from the behavior you describe above?
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I actually accidentally licensed 3 other items, but I didn't think you could refund them since I didn't get a quick response from you, so I downloaded the items. Which I assume means I now can't have them refunded.
What keeps happening is I use a touch screen on my surface pro, and as I scroll down the page using my finger I inadvertently click the bottom corner of an image, which automatically licenses that image. I ended up with 3 total that I didn't want. I wish you'd have a confirmatory dialogue pop up instead of just automatically granting the license.
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I forget which item I already asked you about but the ones I didn't ever intend to license - and hadn't even looked at before i accidentally clicked the corner - were #143225532, #105665234, and #218752934
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Hi Sarah,
As I understand, you had accidentally licensed 3 images out of which 1 replacement was already given. I have gone ahead and added 2 more replacement licenses in your account. Let us know if there is anything else we can help you with.
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Hi Kanika, I accidentally licenced an image while scrolling. Is it possible to please remove it/refund? Thank you!!
File number: # 112255201
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Hi I accidentally licensed photo: #207260341. How do I undo it or cancel that license. Thanks!
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Hi I've also accidently licensed 1 Adobe Stock photo while scrolling, would it be possible for me to unlicense it? The number is #195959235 . Thanks in advance.
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Hi J.,
I'm sorry there is currently no way to undo an accidental license. I have confirmed you licensed this asset and have granted you a replacement license.
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My name is Adriana. I actually accidentally licensed 1 video on adobe stock. Would it be possible for me to unlicense it? The number is #99629007. Thank you!
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Hi Adriana,
You'll need to contact customer care for assistance because this is an on demand purchase.
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Hi, I accidentally pressed and licenced a piture #147758204. Would it be possible for you to help me unlinced it and add 1 credit back? I find it too easy to accidentally press "licence" while browsing the files. 😞
Thank you
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Hello hyperiko ,
I have verified that you have licensed asset id #147758204 and have granted you a replacement license. Please delete asset from any downloads or library at your end.
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Hello Roxanne22498165nsi3,
I have verified that you have licensed asset #368051403 and have granted you replacement license. Please delete asset from any downloads or library at your end.
Hope this helps !!!