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Misleading Adobe Stock Charges

New Here ,
Jan 26, 2019 Jan 26, 2019

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As I'm reading these threads I'm noticing a reoccurring theme here, nobody seems to know what they're signing up for and Adobe has done nothing to make this more apparent to it's customers. I had NO IDEA I was getting charged $32 a month for stock images I don't even use! This Adobe extension is so so misleading. You advertise 10 free images when you first open the application. Unfortunately, I did not know that you PAY for 10 images a month. I paid the full amount for a student membership of Adobe Creative Cloud for a year. As of now I have almost paid that entire membership amount in stock images that I used for one single month, MAYBE two.

I'm very sorry if this comes off aggressive but this is not okay! I feel as though this is a sneaky way for you to get more money from students. To make matters worse I have tried cancelling only to run into an early termination fee that a cannot afford. Please, fix this and make it more obvious to your customers. I genuinely think this is problematic that it's very common for people to be in the same boat I'm currently in.






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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Community Expert , Jan 27, 2019 Jan 27, 2019

I have no idea how many customers Adobe has, ho are very happy with the stocks subscription, but I hope there are much more than those who are unhappy and manifest here. You simply do not get posts like “Oh yes, everything works as advertized. I read the conditions and was aware of the cancellation options...”

Now for your concrete problem: When you take the subscription, the subscription clearly states several information:

  • it’s a yearly plan paid per month
  • you get 10 images per month, if you need



Community Expert ,
Jan 26, 2019 Jan 26, 2019

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Although this is a user-to-user community forum and not Adobe support, there are stock representatives from Adobe who do occasionally check in here. I know you're frustrated and I hope you are able to work something out -- it's just that the other users in this group aren't usually able to help with this billing/development issues.





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Community Expert ,
Jan 27, 2019 Jan 27, 2019

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I have no idea how many customers Adobe has, ho are very happy with the stocks subscription, but I hope there are much more than those who are unhappy and manifest here. You simply do not get posts like “Oh yes, everything works as advertized. I read the conditions and was aware of the cancellation options...”

Now for your concrete problem: When you take the subscription, the subscription clearly states several information:

  • it’s a yearly plan paid per month
  • you get 10 images per month, if you need more you buy for a fixed price.
  • unused images roll over for up to a years worth of images.
  • the first month is free.
  • you can cancel during the first month risk free and keep the licensed images.

You do not get charged for using the service but because you subscribed.

To solve your problem:

If you are still in the first 14 days of your paid subscription: cancel and you get refunded.

If you do not find the cancel button: Contact Customer Care

If you are above those 14 days and you want to cancel be aware that you need to pay early cancellation fees.

Please update this thread if you still have problems.

ABAMBO | Hard- and Software Engineer | Photographer





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