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A Suggestion to more controls on some materials

New Here ,
Oct 27, 2023 Oct 27, 2023

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Hi all,


I found two decent materials in the offical asset store: "Old Garden Brick Path" and "Tropical Garden Tiled Driveway".


These two almost meet my requirement to a scene where some part of pavement needs to be wet but some part needs to be dry, flat and clean. However I found there are some control limitations on these two materials:

1. I can't decrease or remove the noise bump from the normal map of "Old Garden Brick Path" so I am unable to make a clean, flat version of this material.


2. I can't completely remove all leaves of "Tropical Garden Tiled Driveway" although I set all "leaves density" to 0. Therefore I can't make a clean, flat version of this material, either.


This brings pity because I found such good materials but I can't make them to be used in my scene. I wonder if the materials can have more control or it can uploads its sbs version to let us adjust it by ourselves.

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Discussion , Premium Assets , Technical Support






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