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Good afternoon all,
Sill learning the basics via tutorials and documentation, but i've not yet come across anything that explains why, inspite of a high tessalation value, HQ blur node on my shapes, hi-res plane object, I am still getting aliased edges in my 3D view. At this point is it simply as basic as the 3d viewport focuses a high quality preview on the part of the model closest to the virtual camera, and then lowers tesselation for the part of the object further back in space? I feel like in tutorials I don't see jagged edges in the material author's work, even in the building process. I've attached a shot of the settings I believe are most relevant, aware that I could be missing something major. I'd prefer not to add many hq blur nodes in my graphs if possible.
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Try this
In the 3D viewport click on Camera > Edit Selected
Then in properties set Post Effects Enabled to "True" and scroll down to also set Anti Alias to "Enabled"