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I tried to publishe a simple base material and others. But I am getting always the same error below.
What do I have to do in order to fix that?
[ERR][762][SBSAR PUBLISH]launch application:
C:/Program Files/Adobe/Adobe Substance 3D Designer/sbscooker.exe --inputs C:/Users/Bernhard/Documents/Adobe/Adobe Substance 3D Designer/ --alias sbs://C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Substance 3D Designer\resources\packages --alias sd-3dview-maps://C:/Program Files/Adobe/Adobe Substance 3D Designer/resources/view3d/maps --alias sd-3dview-shapes://C:/Program Files/Adobe/Adobe Substance 3D Designer/resources/view3d/shapes --alias sd-3dview-shaders://C:/Program Files/Adobe/Adobe Substance 3D Designer/resources/view3d/shaders --output-path C:/Users/Bernhard/AppData/Local/Temp/Adobe/Adobe Substance 3D Designer --output-name Brick_Ganistan.sbsar --expose-output-size 1 --expose-random-seed 1 --expose-pixel-size 0 --size-limit 13 --enable-icons --compression-mode 0
Execution failed ! (Exit Code: 13)
[WARNING][Cooker]Cannot find outputs to cook [2]
[ERROR][SBSCooker]Cannot find outputs to cook
[ERROR][SBSCooker]Cooking fail [Error 13]
[WRN][763][Default](0): QPixmap::scaled: Pixmap is a null pixmap
[ERR][764][SBSAR PUBLISH]launch application:
C:/Program Files/Adobe/Adobe Substance 3D Designer/sbscooker.exe --inputs C:/Users/Bernhard/Documents/Adobe/Adobe Substance 3D Designer/ --alias sbs://C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Substance 3D Designer\resources\packages --alias sd-3dview-maps://C:/Program Files/Adobe/Adobe Substance 3D Designer/resources/view3d/maps --alias sd-3dview-shapes://C:/Program Files/Adobe/Adobe Substance 3D Designer/resources/view3d/shapes --alias sd-3dview-shaders://C:/Program Files/Adobe/Adobe Substance 3D Designer/resources/view3d/shaders --output-path C:/Users/Bernhard/AppData/Local/Temp/Adobe/Adobe Substance 3D Designer --output-name Test_Material.sbsar --expose-output-size 1 --expose-random-seed 1 --expose-pixel-size 0 --size-limit 13 --enable-icons --compression-mode 0
Execution failed ! (Exit Code: 13)
[WARNING][Cooker]Cannot find outputs to cook [2]
[ERROR][SBSCooker]Cannot find outputs to cook
[ERROR][SBSCooker]Cooking fail [Error 13]
Hello @PixelFun,
These are the most relevant errors to note:
[ERROR][SBSCooker]Cannot find outputs to cook
It appears your graphs does not have Output nodes. These nodes define the images which are the result of the graph and should thus be passed along to whatever entity should use these results – e.g. the 3D View or nodes in another graph.
If no Output node is present in the graph, Substance 3D Designer cannot determine what should be output by the published Substance 3D asset file (SB
...Hi, a bit late but I hope it helps someone.
I got the same error and i did have the outputs. What helped me was to export first the outputs as bitmaps form the substance graph and then publish the .sbsar file. It seemed to me that this move helped to reload the bitmaps.
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Hello @PixelFun,
These are the most relevant errors to note:
[ERROR][SBSCooker]Cannot find outputs to cook
It appears your graphs does not have Output nodes. These nodes define the images which are the result of the graph and should thus be passed along to whatever entity should use these results – e.g. the 3D View or nodes in another graph.
If no Output node is present in the graph, Substance 3D Designer cannot determine what should be output by the published Substance 3D asset file (SBSAR), thus publishing fails.
If you have been using a Base material node to preview your material in the 3D View, then you may set up Output nodes as shown in this example.
When creating a new Substance graph, you can use the Metallic Roughness template to start from a graph which already has these Output nodes set up correctly.
Therefore, if your graph does not include these nodes already, you may create a new graph with the suggested template, then copy-paste your entire current graph into the new one and connect the outputs of the Base material node as shown.
You may read the Substance graphs key concepts page from Designer's documentation to further your understanding of outputs, publishing and Substance graphs in general.
I hope this is helpful!
Best regards.
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I've got the same errors but, I do have outputs. I exported from Substance Sampler from layers of images. I only transformed the orientation in sampler.
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Thank you for reporting this. May you share project files and/or a screen recording demonstrating the issue? Feel free to reach out to me in DM if you wish to share these privately.
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thanks, I'll send the Sampler and Designer files later from my PC. Thanks.
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I don't know if it was glitching or if I'm making an error. It worked fine when I exported from SS to SD today but, I'm getting an error when I try to add preset today. Since this is a different subject I'll look into it and open a new thread if needs be. Thanks.
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Thank you for the update I am glad it sorted itself out eventually. I will take a look at your separate thread. Feel free to get back to me in here if this issue appears again.
Best regards.
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Hi, a bit late but I hope it helps someone.
I got the same error and i did have the outputs. What helped me was to export first the outputs as bitmaps form the substance graph and then publish the .sbsar file. It seemed to me that this move helped to reload the bitmaps.
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thanks for the info. I ended up just making them again from the bitmaps. I'll try your way, I'm sure I'll encounter it again. Thanks