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Creating Gemsone Diamond materials

Explorer ,
Feb 25, 2024 Feb 25, 2024

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I have searched the Substance 3D Designer form but [perhaps secondary to my less than stellar search skills - and thus if this is a redundant topic post I apologize. ] I have not been able to find a discussion on creating gemstone, diamond, pearl and precious metal materials. Thus, if one [ or more disscussions,; perhaps topic specific, already exists, could you please kindly  direct me as to where this discussion [s] reside. Thank you. Appreciated.

If, if my chance, however, one [ some of these disscussion topics]  do not already exist, then perhaps this is an opportunity to start one [ given interest in thesesmatter].

Thank you,


p.s. I have found some pretty applicable already made materials but the goal is to be ale to create one's own materials based on quite exacting and specific ways that the resultant materials would be used.

How to






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Adobe Employee ,
Feb 26, 2024 Feb 26, 2024

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Hello Andrew,


I think it's important to know what rendering software you'll use in the end. Substance 3D Designer generates textures that the rendering engine will read, but it doesn't generate the effect itself. Therefore, depending on what the rendering can or cannot do, it will heavily change the workflow.


Let me know.


Cyril Dellenbach (Micro) | QA Support Artist | Adobe





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Explorer ,
Feb 26, 2024 Feb 26, 2024

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Hello Cryil,


Thank you so much for the information. This is a case  where ignorance would not be bliss. Is there any chance that there is a way to know prior which render engine will work best?  


Thank you







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Explorer ,
Mar 04, 2024 Mar 04, 2024

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Hello Cyril,

I have been giving your insights into this matter some thought and compounding what you have informed me of is the issue of the temprature of the light. In the real world the nature of the light effects what one percives looking at the same diamond / gemstone [ some destiguish between a diamond and other gemstones - but I am going to just say gemstone form now on] even the time of day can have an effect because the eyes [ I think ? the rods] perception of color is not the same throughout the day e.g. a person specializing in rubies might have a "standard" rubey thay use as a way of mitigating some of thses factors for evaluating / compare the "standar" with another rubey.


So I think I need to do somting simiar. Given the following assumption is correct. If I take a few of the already made precious metal materials that are from the Substance 3D Assets library and then try to set up as close as possible with the same lighting / environment conditions, same model , orientatiented the same, to compare the diffrence in using the Adobe Meurcury Render engine [ in Ray Trace mode] and the Rhino3D cycles Ray Trace mode [ I think also used in Blender] render engine, same number of passes; then I hopefully can get a fairly good aproximation of the magnitude of diffrences there migh be. given the assumption that these materials were generated from the same technology as is in Substance 3D Designer. Is this a correct assumption? To my knowleadge here are no gemstone materials in the library. The other assumption I am making is that the Adobe Meurcury Render engine functions the same in diffrent apps and for this test would use Stager.

I hope this makes sensce? 


Thank you, Appreciated, Andrew





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