Designer 11.2.1 업데이트 출시 안내
Adobe 직원
Feb 03, 2022
Feb 03, 2022
클립보드로 링크 복사
Substance 3D Designer 11.2.1 업데이트가 릴리스되었습니다. 귀하의 피드백 덕분에 최신 기능의 몇 가지 개선 사항이 포함되었습니다:
- 게시 창: 이제 파일 경로가 SBS 파일의 경로로 초기화되고 이전 매개변수가 복원됩니다.
- 보내기: 플레이어로 보내기, Painter 및 Sampler가 이제 동일한 메뉴에 있습니다. Sampler 또는 Painter에 이미 보낸 패키지를 보내면 해당 패키지가 대상 앱에서 업데이트됩니다(이전 버전에서는 새 인스턴스가 생성됨). 재전송 명령이 제거되었습니다.
- 물질 모델 그래프: 문서가 완료되었습니다.
전체 릴리스 노트:
새 기능 및 개선사항:
- [Substance model] Update to version 1.0.3
- [Substance model] Complete and improve the Substance model graphs documentation
- [Substance model] Display logs in the console
- [Substance model][ScatterOnCurves] Change default value for spacing
- [Substance model][ScatterOnCurves] Remove unneeded HalfSpaceOddEven parameter
- [Substance model][Transform] Update Euler rotation soft range
- [Publish] Remember settings in the Publish window
- [Publish] Warn the user when at least one dependency has unsaved changes
- [Publish] Initialize "File Path" field
- [Publish] Add visual feedback during publishing
- [Interoperability] Add "Send to Player" command to the "Send to" menu
- [Interoperability] Simplify send/resend workflow to Sampler and Painter
- [API] Add SDApplication.getVersion() to allow retrieve the version of the host application
- [Explorer] Add an Open action to Substance model graph items
- [Graph] Disable "View in 3d view" actions for ghost instance nodes
버그 수정사항:
- [Substance model] Crash when deleting a sequence
- [Substance model] Basis are not drawn correctly in some cases
- [Substance model] Fail to export specific projects
- [Substance model] Material assignment broken when opening a project with Iray enabled
- [Substance model] Min hard range doesn't work correctly in certain circumstances
- [Substance model][Primitive] Icosphere first level of subdivision doesn't work
- [Substance model][RandomFloat] Correctly handle the case where Min >= Max
- [3D view] Crash when drag and dropping maps
- [3D View] Exposed strings in MDL materials use color space widget
- [3D View][Bakers] Parented objects are not handled correctly
- [3D View] Warning message about the "heightScale" usage name for legacy .glslfx file
- [Content] Cooking warnings in Height extrude node
- [Content] RT Irradiance node does not appear in Library
- [Content] RT Shadows: cooking warning messages in the console
- [Graph] Crash when opening a file with some disabled nodes
- [Graph] Dot node doesn't work correctly in MDL Graph when a link is selected
- [Graph] Graph view is not automatically re-opened after reloading a package
- [Interoperability] Error dialog when selecting 'Download...' while sending to Player
- [Interoperability] Resending after deleting all outputs results in API errors
- [Interoperability] Resending just after closing target application results in API errors
- [Explorer] [Graph] After reloading a package, the first graph opened is not the first graph of the package
- [Explorer] New graphs in a package are not placed the same way depending on their type
- [Explorer] Unable to open a Substance Model graph or a Scene Resource after moving it in the explorer
- [Explorer] Crash/freeze when moving a Substance model graph into package hierarchy
- [Library] SBSAR files remain in the temporary files location
- [Library] XML files remain in the temporary files location
- [Player] Material has no impact in 3D View when language is set to Japanese
- [Player] Substance Player download link is outdated
- [Color widget] Color editor window moves to the top of the screen
- [IRay] Fix IRay module loading on Windows when app directory contains non ascii chars
- [Preferences] MDL panel is displayed twice in Project
- [API] FxMap nodes don't support getPropertyGraph()
커뮤니티 가이드라인
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