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Hi all,
My filter menu covers entire screen when using single monitor and becomes too small if I use second monitor (even though designer is on the monitor with higher resolution). For both cases screenshots are attached. Is there a way to make it normal size?
While you can see the whole menu (as in your last screenshot) can you drag in the right hand edge to make it the normal tall, thin shape again? If so, that should stick.
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Are you using display scaling higher than 100% on any of your monitors? If that is the case, does this issue occur when setting 100% scaling on all monitors and restarting Substance 3D Designer?
Best regards.
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Hi Luca,
Thanks for taking the time to reply.
Yes I use 150%. Tried your suggestion, the menu shrinked but again, it is too big (screenshot below). I am not sure what I've changed caused this, it was in standard size.
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By the way, the screenshot was taken while using single monitor with no extend projection activated in windows.
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While you can see the whole menu (as in your last screenshot) can you drag in the right hand edge to make it the normal tall, thin shape again? If so, that should stick.
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Thank you Dave, that solved the big menu problem.
Do you have any suggestions for the small one, when working with two displays?
By the way, is it appropriate to mark it as correct answer, if half of the problem is solved?
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Well actually nevermind the second part. It is small because its size changes because menu extends to other display (with lower resolution), but not visible there. Resizing it solved the problem.
Again, thank you Dave.