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I want to create a tool to reorder parameters.
Is there a way to reorder exposed parameters and get their identifiers using Python API?
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Hey there,
I hope you are well and healthy.
Here is a small snippet, which loops through all input properties of the current graph (you can also replace the current graph by an arbitrary node, the code should work as well) it stores the properties in a dictionary, the key is the property identifier and the value is the sdProperty-Object, so you should be able to sort it easily and reorder them.
import sd
ctx = sd.getContext()
app = ctx.getSDApplication()
qtUiMgr = app.getQtForPythonUIMgr()
current_graph = qtUiMgr.getCurrentGraph()
parameters_dict = {}
parameters = current_graph.getProperties(sd.api.sdproperty.SDPropertyCategory.Input)
for parameter in parameters:
# Filter default properties, which can't be reordered
if (
parameter.getId() != "$outputsize"
and parameter.getId() != "$format"
and parameter.getId() != "$pixelsize"
and parameter.getId() != "$pixelratio"
and parameter.getId() != "$tiling"
and parameter.getId() != "$randomseed"
parameters_dict[parameter.getId()] = parameter
Stay healthy and creative
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Thank you! I'll check it right away.
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I also want to get thier Labels and group names.
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I'm not sure how to get the group names, but you can get the label with:
Here is an excert from the python API documentation of the sdproperty module:
sdproperty module
class sd.api.sdproperty.SDProperty(APIContext, handle, *args, **kwargs)
Bases: sd.api.sdapiobject.SDAPIObject
Description of property defined by an identifier, a type, and some additional information
getCategory() → sd.api.sdproperty.SDPropertyCategory
Get the category of the property (see SDPropertyCategory)
getClassName() → str
Returns the most specific name of the class this APIObject is
Get the default value of the property
getDescription() → str
Get the description of the property
getId() → str
Get the identifier of the property. The identifier is unique in the current category.
getLabel() → str
Get the label of the property
Get the first type of all available types returned by getTypes() (defined for convenience)
Get all types supported by this property
isConnectable() → bool
Indicates whether the property is connectable (i.e. if another node’s property can be connected to it)
isFunctionOnly() → bool
Indicates if the property value is only controlled by a function. If so calling getPropertyValue/setPropertyValue is not allowed
isPrimary() → bool
Indicates whether the property is the primary property in its category
isReadOnly() → bool
Indicates whether the property is readonly
isVariadic() → bool
Indicates whether the property is variadic. If True, this parameter will be represented as multiple properties on the instance
release() → None
Releases an APIObject
You can also find the Scripting Documentation in the "Help" Menu in Substance Designer:
Stay healthy and creative
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Thank you @Marco Vitale!
In addition to Marco's thoughtful replies, please note that in Designer version 13.1.0 the following methods were added in the SDSBSCompGraph class:
This should let you reorder existing graph parameters.
Best regards.
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Thank you for your response.
When I used reorderGraphInput method, I got this attribute error.
Can I use this method in version 14.0?
[ERR][45]Traceback (most recent call last):
[ERR][46] File "<string>", line 14, in <module>
[ERR][49]'SDSBSCompGraph' object has no attribute 'reorderGraphInput'
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Yes, this method is available in version 14.0.0.
The sample script below in version 14.0.2. It creates inputs and outputs for a Substance graph if they do not already exist, then reorders them to match a specific list.
You can run the script in Designer's Python Editor, then change the order of the inputs and outputs created by the script, then run the script again. Inputs and outputs should retrieve their original order.
Let me know if you experience any issues with it.
import sd
from sd.api import sdproperty, sdvaluestring
from import sdsbscompgraph
import typing
app = sd.getContext().getSDApplication()
ui_mgr = app.getQtForPythonUIMgr()
graph = ui_mgr.getCurrentGraph()
typing.cast(sdsbscompgraph.SDSBSCompGraph, graph)
nodes = graph.getNodes()
target_ids = [
input_ids = [item.get() for item in graph.getInputIdentifiers()]
output_ids = [item.get() for item in graph.getOutputIdentifiers()]
output_ids_matching = [item for item in output_ids if item in input_ids]
for identifier in target_ids:
if identifier not in output_ids:
print("Adding output '{}'".format(identifier))
output_node = graph.newNode("sbs::compositing::output")
output_node.setAnnotationPropertyValueFromId("identifier", sdvaluestring.SDValueString.sNew(identifier))
if identifier not in input_ids:
print("Adding input '{}'".format(identifier))
output_node = graph.newNode("sbs::compositing::input_grayscale")
output_node.setAnnotationPropertyValueFromId("identifier", sdvaluestring.SDValueString.sNew(identifier))
print("Reordering inputs...")
for index, id in enumerate(target_ids):
graph.reorderGraphInput(id, index)
print("Reordering outputs...")
for index, id in enumerate(target_ids):
graph.reorderGraphOutput(id, index)
Best regards.