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Is it possible to add a blended color to the input of a uniform color in the Multi Switch Color List

Explorer ,
Aug 07, 2021 Aug 07, 2021

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I am in need of adding a few manufacture's blended colors to the multi-switch-color filter and cannot find a way to do this?

Please see attached and note most of the colors in this manufacture's line is singular rgb with the excepiton of a few.

I am unable to find a node or someway to add a blended color to the uniform node with new inputs, or any other node that follows the same ouputcolor list?

Please advise if there is a way to somehow add a combined color mix in the multi switch color filter?





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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Community Expert , Aug 11, 2021 Aug 11, 2021

The list of names in the multi switch input dropdown that you have shown can be overtyped with whatever name you choose. So where you have used blended colours, note the input slot that you plugged them into and find that integer in the list and give it whatever name matches your customers name for that colour.


See if this helps :

The multi switch colour node has a number of inputs and the control for selecting that input can be exposed as an input for the graph. If it is it will look like thi




Community Expert ,
Aug 08, 2021 Aug 08, 2021

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a. If you want the output to be a uniform colour then feed the multiswitch colour node a uniform colour node (example 1 below)

b. If you want the output to be a patterned map then feed it the blended map (example 2 below)

c. If you want the output to be a uniform colour taken from the mean of the blended map then add a Transform 2D  node and set the MipMap Mode, of that transform 2D node, to manual and the mipmap level to match the previous nodes level, in my case 10 for 2048 x 2048 (Example 3 below)




I hope that helps







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Explorer ,
Aug 08, 2021 Aug 08, 2021

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Hi Dave,


The issue is I need this blended texture as I have shown in picture to be added to the list in the same manner as the others.

ie..., I have manufacture's colors and (3) of them are blended and now when I try to add the blended colors to the multi switch color list filter they do not go into the drop down list as the others.  Therefore, I am trying to sequence these colors in a logical sequence in the multi-switch color filter.  The only node that goes into the list with the numbered color drop down list are the uniform color nodes.  I plan to bring these colors to combine to other material and need the list to be in order and I cannot do that with the other nodes since they do not follow the outputcolor list in the multi switch colors?  I need to somehow get the blended uniform colors with the mask into a singular uniform color or some other node that follows the list of colors in order. 


Please see attached and let me know again if there is a way to get the blended colors in this manufacture's line to go into the drop down list as the others do?







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Community Expert ,
Aug 08, 2021 Aug 08, 2021

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I'm sorry but without seeing more of your graph I am not following what you are trying to do. 

You have shown a list of input parameters to your Substance graph named Color01_outputcolor,  ....etc

Presumably those are driving the colours within the Uniform color nodes in your graph.


The multi-switch colour node though is driven by an input selection that is independent of whatever you have named those graph parameter inputs being used to set the colours in the uniform color nodes (unless of course you have added a function to the input selection which I cannot see and therefore it is using those parameter input names in another way).


You can manually create additional graph inputs to the Substance graph, named in the same convention which would complete your input list,  but without seeing more of the graph I am really puzzled as to the connection between those input parameter names and your use of the MultiSwitchColor node and therefore what will give you your required outcome.







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Explorer ,
Aug 11, 2021 Aug 11, 2021

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Hi Dave,


I have 1 graph with about 50 colors 3 of them are blended colors and when I use any node be it blend or whatever I cannot get the output list to go into the same numbered uniform color list I have with names.  Please see attached, and note I plan to bring these colors into a multi-material where I can flip through the colors and if a blended color cannot be put in the list because of the output is opacity or anything but the same parameters as the uniform colors I do not see how I can add those to the list of output colors and hence be able to flip through color names when I bring into a multi material graph?


Please advise,






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Community Expert ,
Aug 11, 2021 Aug 11, 2021

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The list of names in the multi switch input dropdown that you have shown can be overtyped with whatever name you choose. So where you have used blended colours, note the input slot that you plugged them into and find that integer in the list and give it whatever name matches your customers name for that colour.


See if this helps :

The multi switch colour node has a number of inputs and the control for selecting that input can be exposed as an input for the graph. If it is it will look like this (in my example I've just used four inputs but works the same for 44) :


Click where I've circled in red and you will see what function is being used to select that input.

In my example it is a value called input_number :



In my main graph I have an exposed input parameter called input Colour Name that sets the value of input_number, based on a dropdown list of values. So if I select "Name of first colour" from teh dropdown list I will select whatever is plugged into input 1. If I select "Name of Second Colour" I will get whatever is plugged into input 2.  The name in the drop-down list though can be overtyped to be anything I want e.g. Red, Green, Sky Blue, Fred or Sally.


So naming your colours should just be a case of overtyping the name in that list for the appropriate multiswitch input












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Explorer ,
Aug 11, 2021 Aug 11, 2021

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Hi Dave,


Yes I know how to do the names in the drop down list the Problem again is that I need to add a blended color to this list? Try to expose singular colors no problem then try to add a blended color to go into the same list as the other uniform colors.  To add a blended color you need to add nodes to blend them then somehow the final result needs to go into the drop down list as a singular name. 


Please show me how you get the blended color into a singular output list in the multi-switch color filter.







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Explorer ,
Aug 11, 2021 Aug 11, 2021

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Hi Dave,


Please see attached picture and note that this is a drop down list I created as many before and again I am trying to add A blended Color to this list and cannot do it with the other nodes.


Please advise if you understand what I am trying to do?





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Explorer ,
Aug 11, 2021 Aug 11, 2021

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 Hi Dave,


for example color 39 is a blended color and I cannot get it into the list because it is Not a uniform color but a blended color again I cannot find a node that will combine this and go in to the same drop down list as a uniform color.







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Explorer ,
Aug 11, 2021 Aug 11, 2021

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Hi again,


If you look at my pictures you will see that I have a list of colors in the drop down lists with names next to the numbers.  Again the issue is how to add a blended color to that same list.  If I use blend note I cannot connect to that list.  If I use the color node I cannot connect to that drop down list.  If I use a color dodge I cannot get a drop down list there is no option.  I am trying to get a BLended color into a node that will Plug into the same drop down list as the uniform colors?





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Community Expert ,
Aug 11, 2021 Aug 11, 2021

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I'm sorry but I am really not understanding the problem in your question (blame me 🙂 ). 


It talks about two separate things. 

1. Exposing the input of a uniform colour node, which would allow the user of a graph to adjust the colours for each named colour.

If you want the user to adjust the inputs to a group of blended colours you could expose them all and put them in a group.

2. Using the colour names in a list to drive the selection in a multi switch color node. These can be the same names, which would help the user, but can be anything you like. That is why I don't understand the issue. You could add the blended colour with any name you like.


Since I obviously do not grasp your issue, perhaps you could either post the SBS, so I can see what I am missing (you can PM me if you would prefer) or I should step back and hopefully someone that does grasp the problem can step in.







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Explorer ,
Aug 12, 2021 Aug 12, 2021

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Hi Dave,


For some reason I thought that the blend node or any other node had to have the same identifier and label as the output color?  What I should've done was the simple test I just did now with 2 colors on 2 separate multi-switch-color filters where I changed the identifer and label on the blend node to outputcolor on 1st multi switch color  and on the 2nd multi-color-switch I did not change the indentifer and label on the blend node and you are correct these are separate things. Now I was able to put the blend node into the multi-switch color and get in the drop down list by adding slots of course.  I guess I got lost in the graph thinking that the nodes going into the multi switch color had to have the same indentifiers and labels?


Thanks for trying to help me with this.  Much appreciated!








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Community Expert ,
Aug 12, 2021 Aug 12, 2021

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Glad to help. I'm happy that we got you got to where you needed to be in the end 🙂







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