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MDL Shader Tiling Issue

Community Beginner ,
Nov 15, 2021 Nov 15, 2021

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I want to have a subsection of my MDL shader tile at a different rate from the rest of my Substance outputs. I have a version that works perfectly when I have the MDL graph open and choose to "Set as Material Definition in 3D View". However, the differently tiled portion of the shader is totally ignored if I output that same shader as a regular MDL file and use it as my material in the normal 3D View process.


I've tried exposing the texture inputs (for use with a Sustance ouput) as well as just as a input where you can load a regular texture from the computer. Either way those inputs do not produce any change in the rendered results.


I'm not sure why it would work perfectly from the graph, but not when using as an MDL file.

3D View , MDL Graph






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