We have just released a new version (14.0.1) to mainly solve a few bugs and bring a few improvements. Look at the detailled release notes for more information.
- [Engine] Update to Substance Engine 9.1.4
- [Content] Triangle grid: change triangulation method and use loops
- [API] Unloaded plugins cannot be loaded again
- [Content] Histogram Compute: result is 16 times what it should be
- [Content] Triangle Grid: pattern is not tiling properly
- [Data] Crash when changing graph input identifier in a specific case
- [Engine] Distance node produces artifacts when using very low pixel sizes
- [Engine] Incorrect Distance node result at 8K resolution on SSE2 engine
- [Function Graph] Long values appear overlapped on 'Float' nodes
- [Graph][Shortcuts] Node created using a shortcut is not placed on existing link after node duplication
- [Properties] Incorrect parameter display when value is invalid