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Scaling sbs material without repeating tiles?

Enthusiast ,
Oct 13, 2022 Oct 13, 2022

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Years ago I switched to SD from  Filter forge.   What I am still missing from Filter forge is an ability to scale  material gradually   to whatever pixel per detail ratio I need .

Whatever I do in Substance Designer  looks ok for a scale I started initially.    40x40 bricks  for example  . or 3x6 meters of surface. etc.   

Whenever we need to change texel size  or to clump a texture to a specific size  I.e. to  change pixel per cm  ratio  Substance material is no more looking realistic    because some of input noises are scalable  , others not  that well by integers only  and other kinds are not scalable at all.   

Switching form factor like 2x2 to 1x2 is never a safe opperation too.

It's a huge drawback  IMO  since a half of our repeating  textures  are clumped to a specific size . A fence/wall height for example and doesn't have the perfectly same texel size evrywhere.


So I wonder how could I workaround it?   By using a single same well scalable noise  for everything ?   what do you think is Filter forge  magic trick for that?  Surely it should be recreatable.


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