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Viewer node for pixel processor like in Blender

Enthusiast ,
Dec 20, 2022 Dec 20, 2022

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I can say when I try to modyfy  default nodes  to do something specific   I don't understand a thing . Moreover I don't understand a thing in my oun  pixel processors  a month after  untill I write huge documents describing  evrything that takes me forever. 

The reason IMO  is because SD  provides zero clue  what goes from one node to another .


Please do it Blender way where we have special viewer node and spreadsheet  showing  what is going on.

 I am so tired to copy/paste nodes in value processor  just because it at least shows you some numbers .

Ideally it should both spreadsheet with numbers , and pixel preview with "normalized: button as in some 2d compositors.

Some fileld vs single value only indication maybe  like in Blender.

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