Shape splatter is cool but lacks proper antialiazing for things like grass plants , small twigs , tiny leaves, moss etc and never look as real as proper 3d render when it goes to few pixels only details . Or require huge extra resolution Designer would just die from or anyway would be slow as hell vs modern gpu renders like Cycles , Redshift or Octane on something dencely populated.
Please make cryptomatte masks extractor and support of multi-channel exrs so we could composite rendered ellements easily. I use Blender compositing pane currently to export masks and layers as rgba pngs but it's one extra annoying middle step when you tweak something in objects scattering . Would be so easy if Designer could just read exr directly and extract all necessary masks and AOVs on its own.
ps. in fact I would love if Designer had it's own cryptomatter channel keeping all masks produced by height combine in evry pixel value so we could get access to necessary masks in the end of node flow instead of looking through the whole thing and make countless pins I am usually loosing track of after a few days .