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Paste option with auto bitmap or svg node creating .

Enthusiast ,
Aug 21, 2024 Aug 21, 2024

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I can't tolerate  Substance painter.  Struggle with it for years and never felt homy in it.  Once you accustomed to nodes you can't really  go back to layers.    Besides there are much better  brush systems around than what Painter offers.  I can't do a nice "roll" brush  in  Painter for examle Zbrush or Corel Painter  can.   Or do auto cavities  masking  zbrush can on the fly with pressure involved like a real world brush,  without  wasting your time on complicated  masks tweaking that always look sort of robotic  vs what simple human touch could do just by your own hand intuition.    Or Rebelle brushes  with true looking  flows and streaks  way ahead of  SPainter or  Corel Painter ones .  

  But even using Substance  Painter as a mask painter  it   would be so much more convenient to just copy/ paste masks to Designer and assemble  and tweak evrything procedural there instead of non stop puzzles with sbsar exports. 


 Mari with its cool nodes is a bit out of my price range and has its own weird quirks.    Still I would be perfectly happy if Designer just allows us to paste svg or bitmap with auto corresponding node creating  from any other software.   Svg node sort of allows to paste from Inkscape somehow but the scale and crop is all wrong.     Doing it through  save/open dialogs is too  annoying.      


Could you do working  paste  from Photoshop please.  Both svg and bitmap.      Would be a reason to stay subscribed for it.  I am sometimes not sure why I  still do.    And paste from Blender please .  It has  best copy /paste options inside its image editing pane.   Just borrow the code from Blender.

Idea No status
Substance Graph






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