Sorting Tutorial Files into numerical order.
I am having fun working through the Adobe Creative Suite and have now come across the Substance group of APPS. To make my learning curve shorter, I have worked my way through many of the tutorials that are available online including videos and download example files. This is a wonderful resource.
There is one small difficulty with the files is that they present in my web browser sorted into the alphabetical title of the topic. It is not sorted in chronological order or degree of difficulty but whoever gave their presentation a higher sort order title got to show earlier in the list.
What would be appreciated is that the titles be sorted into an order numerically so that the arrangement would be in chronology of production or degree of complexity. Simple topics should appear early and complex ones appear later.
In order to achieve this, a simple numerical system is recommended to appear at the beginning of the heading text string. The value range could be #001 through to #999. That would cater for a thousand entries which is more than enough for any individual product.
Gaps in the numbers could be left to allow later fill-ins as new topics take a more logical place in the overall scheme of things.
It may seem onerous but giving the task to the author of each tutorial the job of adding numbers will see the job done in swift order.
Thanks in anticipation