Your OCIO settings don't match in the two programs. You have 8-bit textures set to ACEScg in the first (which is wrong), and set to sRGB texture in the second (which is right). Also you have floating point textures set to ACEScg in the first (which is right) and set to sRGB linear in the second (which is a mismatch).
By default, is set to Legacy, but once you change it to ACES 1.2 it will automatically fill up the settings, based on the configuration file (config.ocio), which I assume now isn't correct for both DCCs. Maya for example, also loads the config.ocio and that is it. No fiddling, no changing settings.
However, using the same settings still produces a mismatch in the PBR Validate.
So, it seems the issue is how Designer is exporting the .sbsar file. Doesn't save with the correct ACES outputs, which in turn causes issues in Painter.