Do you have any error in the log or something happening? My first guess would be an outdated asset in your Layer stack. Therefore open the Resources Updater and try to update all the outdated assets.
Keep me updated.
Cyril Dellenbach (Micro) | QA Support Artist | Adobe
i tried still the same problem sometimes it save as usual ,and sometime don't, it was ok before the last update Although it was taking a lot of time to save
it seems that it saving the file successfully but i thing there is still some sort of bug i mean if i have a project with the name ( project 02 ) and i make some changes and then save it as ( project 03 ) the name won't change at the upper bar of substance and if i decide to close substance painter even after the save immediatly A message will appear saying that the file is not saved. Do you want to save it? If i press Yes, the file will be saved in the ( project 02 ) not in ( project 03 ) sorry for my bad english