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3D Painter will not start MacOS Catalina

New Here ,
Nov 26, 2021 Nov 26, 2021

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Subscribed the other day,

downloaded the apps,

started them.

Now, a couple of days later, Designer and Sampler works but Painter refuses to start.

Please advice,



Crash reason:


Termination Reason: DYLD, [0x4] Symbol missing

Dyld Error Message:
Symbol not found: _CGPreflightScreenCaptureAccess
Referenced from: /Applications/Adobe Substance 3D Painter/Adobe Substance 3D Painter.app/Contents/MacOS/Adobe Substance 3D Painter
Expected in: /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreGraphics.framework/Versions/A/CoreGraphics.

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New Here ,
Nov 28, 2021 Nov 28, 2021

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Same as Tobias above only I've been using Painter for some time. Had it open this week and the only thing I did was install Xcode and Epic Games launcher to work with Unreal Engine. I noticed Substance Painter had crashed (it was either running in the background or I tried to open and walked away - just noticed a crash log window the next day). But since then it hasn't been able to open without the crash log showing the same "termination reason" (DYLD, [0x4] Symbol missing). It's also possible upgrading to the latest version of Catalina did this as well. It's hard to know. I upgraded to 10.15.7 when I installed the afore mentioned apps. I would imagine if it were the OS we would see more people with the issue so I'm guessing it may be related to the other things I installed. A friend with the same OS and same Xcode and Epic Games launcher is having the identical crash message with Substance Painter (similarly not affecting the other Substance apps). He is trying to uninstall Xcode to see if it will help. Doing a fresh install of Painter was not successful, nor was doing first aid on the drive. I'm just putting this info out there and hope that someone will have a solution for this soon. I don't really want to upgrade to a newer OS. Thank you for any help.


~ Carmina V.


Attached: Pop up that repeatedly comes up prior to the crash log window. When I open Painter, this box appears hiding behind the splash screen of the Painter app. I've done both "don't reopen" and "reopen" and neither had a different result, both crashed.







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