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Hey there!
When i'm tessellating a mesh in painter driven by a triplanar heightmap i have several gaps, boundary edges that makes my mesh opened.
First i thought it's because the uv seam, but as You can see on the attached shot, they are randomly everywhere.
How can i close those opened edges/vertexes (shot attached)?
I don't even want to merge them, just make them "bridged" with additional triangles.
More strange i started the whole process by this video, and on the video i don't see any seams, nevertheless the brutal height/tess values!
Thank You for your answer in advance!
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Could you share your UVs as well? This might be an issue with the padding between each UV shell.
Thank You,
Kind Regards,
Geoffroy SC
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Hey there!
I'm afraid is not about the uv borders (check attached shot please)
There are thiny boundary edges all over the mesh.
In the youtube video i posted before You can see that in painter, the huge value differences simply "bridged over" with streched polygons.
In my painter i see opened up gaps on those places.