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The Photoshop HUD color picker/color wheel is a fantastic tool that tremendously speeds up any painting workflow. It would be great to have a similar panel that pops-up right below your cursor when doing hand-painting for textures.
Currently I undock a window with the paint properties, but it's still a hassle to then open the color picker dialog and adjust manually or click yet another button to activate the eyedropper (can't there be a modifier key shortcut for this similar to the Alt-click in Photoshop by the way ?)
Hi the team is working on improving the color picker accessibility and the good channel selection.
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Would be great if Substance Painter could add the ability to add a custom hotkey for the color picker. Maybe in addition make it so that the viewport automatically switches to the "Base Color" view when the color picker is active, so that the colors are properly picked from the model.
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Hi the team is working on improving the color picker accessibility and the good channel selection.