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I am working on a feathered creature and I wanted to do the feathers in substance. I found a feather material and applied it. However, the feathers dont curve along the body in the exact way i want them to. Part of this is because of the UV layout, but changing the UV's would make them worse overall.
So I would like to take the texture and warp parts of it, just like puppet warp, or bending in photoshop or similar programs. Is there a way to achieve this ? Or might there be another smart way to get things to curve ?
Thanks in advance.
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Hi @HelloWhatsUp,
Thanks for the question.
Really similar to what you suggested, you can try the Warp projection. It basically projects the texture trough a Plane on which you can edit the vertices. You'll find a tutorial on the subject here, but just so you know, I think this can be tedious for your specific project.
Another solution would be to use our fresh Path feature. This way, you'd be able to paint the feathers along an editable path.
Best regards,
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@Cyril Dellenbach Another thing that would help in cases like this is a flow channel and therefore the ability to paint a flowmap and have a material, such as fur and feathers, use that flow map for direction. This has been discussed in the past, and the Substance Painter documentation states that a dedicated channel is 'planned'. I realise that you can fiddle the normal channel to do this but is there any advancement on creating a dedicated channel?
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Hi Dave,
I'll ask and come back to you!
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