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Hi. im trying to bake normal maps from my work and got some error log.
In the project the mesh has 3 texture set lists. 2 of them use only one tile. but the other one has UDIM with 2 tiles.
Mesh maps of all of them have been done sucessfully, i also checked Log '[StacksExporter] Map export ended' text to make sure. And during work, i didn't meet any problem.
But when i tried to export final normal maps today, two mesh texture sets with no UDIM got it success, but the mesh texture with UDIM keeps failed and in the log i can only see two lines that is
[MapExporter] Nothing could have been exported on the Cup stack:
[MapExporter] The channel Normal is not available in the Cup stack.
(Cup is a name of the texture set.)
i did some tests. With the same mesh texture set, i tried changing output directory and file type and nothing worked. And did exporting other maps like rough or diffuse, or height with exr format and they all ok with exporting. of course the border of UV tiles has enough space
Only normal exporting of that specific mesh set doesn't work
i can't find what causes the problem and how to fix it...ã… ã… ã…
At least i want to know some hints about how to figure it out
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