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I have been using micro details for certain generators with anchor points for a while now and for the most part I left every option in the mico details tab default as it was working fine as is, but now when I do the same thing I did hundres of times before I get this weird effect where the lines don't match up.
I included an image of a very simple scene: I used a hard surface texture and added an anchor point to the layer, after that I added a fill layer with a black mask and finally added the edge wear generator. In the generator's options I turned on the "Micro Normal" and in the "Image Inputs" I set the "Micro Normal" to the anchor point and I got this result. I et the same result if I use the "Micro Height" option. A couple days before this worked just fine with the same settings that I use now. (I use the Steam version if that matters.)
Not sure if I am doing something wrong or if it was the last update, some help would be appreciated.
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You can control how the wear falls on the normal, within the generator, by adjusting the Curvature intensity in Micro Details and the levels in the Micro Normal input
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I'm also having the same issue but these controls Dave showed are not enough to get the same results the last version was giving me. Even when I open an old file, just hide and unhide the layer with these effects, it changes everything. I'd love to know from the technical team if there's a glitch, if it's a bug.. or if there's another new way of doing it.
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Hi @ColleenTerry,
Nothing new on this side. There's no Referenced Channel in your project because the Anchor point called comes from a mask, therefore no channel to refer to. As long as the Anchor point used is linked to the layer and not the mask, the parameter will be available.
Best regards,
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