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I am trying to export textures to use in USD (Apple reality converter).
I select the built in "USD PBR Metal Roughness" preset:
In the documentation it states that this is supposed to:
Five texture files are created and saved (base color, metallic, normal, occlusion and roughness)
This would be perfect!
However, in the "List of exports" tab I only get 2 or in some texture sets, 1 file:
And sadly, when I export textures, this is exactly what I get.
Any tips for getting all 5 textures (and the usdz) from SB would be awesome?
- I'm not using UDIMs
- I haven't overridden any settings in individual texture sets
- Substance Painter 8.2.0 on win10
I think I've found the solution:
1. Change the Shader settings to pbr-metal-rough-with-alpha-blending (I have some glass in my model):
2. within each texture set add the relevant channels (e.g. Basecolor, roughness etc):
I have no idea why it was set up this way but hopefully this helps anyone else with the same issues in the future.
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Have you got all 5 maps in your texture set - either in the material or in the baked maps? If the channels are disabled or not present there will be no output map.
I've just tested here and I see all five, provided they are present in the texture set to output.
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Thanks Dave,
I think's an example texture set that is only exporting Normal and Occlusion textures.
Perhaps a clue is that if I go into "+" under channels, Base color is only under Unsupported by Shader:
Any tips would be super-helpful...I've clearly set this project up incorrectly somehow!
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I think I've found the solution:
1. Change the Shader settings to pbr-metal-rough-with-alpha-blending (I have some glass in my model):
2. within each texture set add the relevant channels (e.g. Basecolor, roughness etc):
I have no idea why it was set up this way but hopefully this helps anyone else with the same issues in the future.
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The export preset was looking for Base, Metal, roughness channels whereas you were using a Diffuse, Specular, Gloss workflow.