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Hi Community,
this is my first entry since using Substance for 2 months now.
I encounter following issue:
I created a 2D Texture and applied it to the model.
The texture is fittet to the model precicely with Controls of positon and Rotation as well as Scale.
Now i want to adjust the color of the model, and i want to have the texture the same color as other parts.
I was thinking of using the texture as a mask and create just a fill layer to fill it with the specific color.
I am not able to do that - i tried with black mask - but then the texture is off the place.
here is the base color of the model.
I want the texture of the band (which has a brighter Yellor then the others) to change.
I know i could play around with the 2D Texture by itself and adjust it in the ImageEditor - but i want to learn how to do adjust color it in substance.
This is the texture - i made a black mask - the idea is to invert and to unrveal the underlaying fill color somehow.
Thx for the help.
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Hello @MrMagicMindMan
Thanks for the message.
If I understand the issue properly, you could try to use a black mask with a color selection. Then plug the image in the ID mask slot, and select with the color picker the color you need to replace.