Hello Adobe Support / Community,
Currently when working on a mesh with multiple UV channels, as most people know, it is impossible to swap around the UVs and use UV1 or whatever. This isn't usually a big issue, my 0-1 map is in UV0 and that is fine.
However, when working on large assets with Trim Sheets, I also require a 0-1 UDIM to texture the whole of the asset. So my UV0 could be multiple UDIMs with no overlapping between them and Substance painter will not be able to open the asset, because it still considers UV1 to be overlapping between UDIMs.
This is frustrating because UV1 isn't even available in the app, so my temporary solution is to scale the UV1 down to as low as possible to contain it within 0-1 space, and then I need to scale it up. This is a very long task on large assetsm as selecting 200 assets individually to change their UV selection and scale it down is slow.
My solution request from substance painter is to just allow the user to remove UV layers. only read from UV0 - or better let, allow me to select UV maps to delete. (this way I could theoretically delete UV0 and then use UV1 as UV0 in painter only)