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Substance 3D Sampler 3.3.0 is out!

Adobe Employee ,
May 17, 2022 May 17, 2022

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Hello everyone!
A new major version of 3D Sampler is now available. Substance 3D Sampler 3.3.0 introduces a series of new tools, content, and features to more easily create and edit materials and environment lights.

The Main Highltights:

  • Content Aware Fill
  •  Image to Material (AI Powered) Improved
  • IBL Authoring
  • New Brushtool

and more...

See the full details here:

3.3.0 Zucchini
(Released 17 May, 2022)
[Content] New Content-Aware Fill filter (Windows and Mac)
[Content] Content-Aware Fill is working on images, PBR materials, and environment lights
[Content] Add "Preserve Tiling" parameter to Image to Material (AI Powered)
[Content] The Perspective Transform filter can display a grid between its four points
[Interoperability] Send materials to Adobe Substance 3D Stager
[Tools] Center the transformation by pressing Ctrl when resizing Transform or Crop tool
[Tools] Lock the ratio to square by pressing Shift when resizing Transform or Crop tool
[Tools] Clone stamp cursor offers a preview of what will be stamped
[Tools] Preview original content in the the Eraser cursor when using Clone stamp
[Tools] Ctrl+Click creates a new stamp in the Clone Stamp layer
[Tools] Successive clone stamps are now grouped within a single layer
[Tools] Brush Toolbar UI Revamp
[Tools] The Brush Toolbar position is persistent during a session
[Tools] New brush tiling options by axis
[Tools] Hide/display the overlay over the 2D view when painting
[Tools] New shortcut, "X" key, to toggle between Brush and Eraser
[Tools] New shortcut, "[" "]" to change the Brush size
[Tools] New shortcut, "E" key, to toggle the Eraser
[2D View] New Spherical Projection mode when creating environment light
[2D View] Brush tool is supported with the spherical projection mode
[2D View] Position tool is supported with the spherical projection mode
[2D View] Undo/redo is supported with the spherical projection mode
[2D View] In Spherical Projection, set the default position to look at the center of the environment
[2D View] New exposure control
[UI] In the Properties panel, the Image tweak displays the source of the content (Image or from a layer)
[UI] Improved the layer/material outputs dropdown background
[UI] New position of the resolution information in the 2D View
[UI] New tooltip with 3D view navigation controls shortcuts
[UI] New tooltip with brush controls
[UI] New tooltip with projection navigation controls shortcuts
[Compound Filters] Compound filters handle variations to work on images, PBR materials, and environment lights
[Compound Filters] Tweaks order matches the nodes list order in the compound filter
[Compound Filters] Tweaks of different nodes with the same group will be merged in one single group in the Properties panel
[Application] Have dedicated viewer settings per asset type

[Application] Application may crash when switching to 2D view
[Application] Fix a possible deadlock or crash when exporting multiple times
[Application] Make default values for channels consistent with Substance 3D Designer
[Application] Loading a project doesn't trigger the material recompute
[Application] Updated the URL to texture import documentation
[Content] When using a compound filter, it asks to be updated when it shouldn't, on reload
[Content] Details in height map disappear when using Opacity Blend
[UI] In the Color Dialog, it is possible to get out of range using the slider's text fields
[UI] Usage list has a useless vertical scrollbar

Known Issues:
[Color Picker] Picking a color on a second monitor with a different resolution may not work
[Content] Shape light widget is not working in spherical projection mode
[Interoperability] Material with displacement sent to Stager will lose displacement controls

Enjoy this new version and we’re here to answer your questions.

The Sampler team

Image to Material , Install






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