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Substance 3D Sampler update 3.4.1 is now available!

Adobe Employee ,
Oct 06, 2022 Oct 06, 2022

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We released a small hotfix update for 3D Sampler!

3.4.1 Arancini
(Released: October 6, 2022)


[Onboarding] New "Welcome" and "What's New" screens

[Onboarding] Updated Home screen UI

[Onboarding] New Learn content in the Home screen

[Scripting] Log an error in the Log panel when a method is not recognized

[Scripting] New ssa.helpers module to enable printing to the Log panel

[Application] Support for the new side-by-side buttons widget from Substance 3D Designer


[Export] Crash when exporting a .sbsar file referencing a missing image

[Export] Crash when exporting an asset referencing a corrupted image file

[Export] Exporting a .sbsar file with an Embroidery layer results in a gray material

[Export] Exporting a material to a .sbs/sbsar file can generate a fully transparent material

[Export] Normal Format parameter is not exposed correctly in .sbs/.sbsar files

[Export] Sbs/sbsar export of a layer stack referencing a .svg file is broken

[Export] Transform layer is not exported properly / Updated Enscape - Revit export preset

[Exposed Parameters] Crash when deleting a layer containing an exposed parameter

[Exposed Parameters] Updating an outdated layer in the layer stack can lead to a corrupted list of exposed parameters

[Exposed Parameters] Parameters that should not be exported are exported anyway

[Exposed Parameters] Removing a blend filter when deleting a layer does not unexpose its parameters

[Exposed Parameters] Text parameters break .sbs/.sbsar exports

[Layers] Crash when dropping a layer stack in another layer stack

[Layers] Crash when failing to load a filter

[Layers] Cannot reload the previous image when resetting the Image field

[Layers] Cannot undo/redo transform tool changes

[Layers] Clone Stamp layer is stuck after clicking "Reset all settings"

[Layers] Using any of the reset buttons prevents from drawing in the Image field

[Layers] The Reset button does not clear the drawing mask in the Image field

[Layers] The Reset button in the Image field does nothing if the user has painted something

[Layers] Rendering cache does not work when using the Brush tool

[Layers] Deleted layer can still show up in the Properties panel

[Layers] Layer computation can stall when switching between project assets

[Project] Sometimes Sampler is unable to open a project from disk

[2D View] The 2D view always defaults back to Material Output

Known Issues:
[Color Picker] Picking a color on a second monitor with a different resolution may not work
[Content] Shape light widget is not working in spherical projection mode
[Interoperability] Material with displacement sent to Stager will lose displacement controls







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