It would be incredibly helpful to have a compositing mode with masks, allowing us to drop a few library materials (often only 2 meters wide) and extend them into 6–7 meters. We could also place photogrammetry pieces and fill holes with a content-aware feature.
Content-aware fills do work (though slowly than in Photoshop), but please include a lasso tool for masking. Doing it with a 64-pixel brush is painful.
For simple material compositing, I used to rely on older Xara software with color, normal, and spec tags. It let me work much faster than with any Substance soft, where I often got lost in my own files after a week and spent hours re-linking resources. Scattering small details was easier in Xara too, especially since it handled not binarry only alpha with perfect pixel snapping.
A transform tool allowing pixel-precise scaling around a chosen pivot would be great, along with a way to nudge layers by exact pixel values (for example, moving a layer 16 pixels to the left).
Slice support would also be helpful, so we can export multiple textures (2–3) from one master document. Ideally without sticking to a strict 2x scale for that master document.
Finally, a simple vector mask with automatic edge height-blending (feather) would be amazing, as would vector-style curves for both scattering and deforming images. I currently use curves/paths in both Designer and Painter, but they’re frustrating compared to the old Creative House Expression “skeletal strokes,” which let us alternate sectors along the stroke and set start/end caps in just five minutes. Simple like 2x2.
Thanks and sorry for too many requests.