I've just been trying to use Substance Stager and I'm having issues with the viewport displaying blank, and I'm not able to make any edits or import any objects. Buttons still work, opening drop down windows, but no effects. I'm also not able to quit out of the program, as the "x" in the top right has no effect, and I have to end the task from Task Manager.
I've followed all of the troubleshooting tips from Adobe for a blank viewport:
- Checked the log info for CPUAVX2Capable is reporting correct
- Update NVIDIA GPU drivers with a clean install (both Studio and Game drivers)
- Set the Windows graphics settings to high performance on the GPU
- Cleared the shader caches
None of this is having any effect and I'm still experiencing the exact same issue. Any help would be great, thanks.
System specs if needed: i7 9700K, 2070 Super, 32GB DDR4 2400 RAM