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Camera Perspective Control

New Here ,
May 04, 2023 May 04, 2023

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I have been a user of 3ds Max / Corona / Vray for many years and I would love to transition my workflow away from those products to Stager exclusivly. One of the biggest features keeping me from making the switch is the lack of perspective control in the camera settings. When using Vray & Corona cameras, the user has the abiltity to control the film plane angle and shift independent of the camera lens (just like a real 4x5 camera).  Being able to do this is crucial for product visualization. Please consider implementing this feature at your earliest convenience and then I am all in!


Thanks for your time, 







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Engaged ,
May 04, 2023 May 04, 2023

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If you are doing this for paid jobs, you will be sticking with your current software. Stager is in its infancy and will take a long time before it catches up. A few others here have talked about professional work are dismayed with the progress of Stager.  There is not much of a jump between the new iteration and 2nd to last  iteration. It will take time.  When you look at how many years some programs have existed like 3DS or C4D, you appreciate the years of evolution.  For me, it's fun to see how Stager is evolving, but for professional work it just isn't there - yet. Let's hope in 2 years from now, there will be so many updates that it is starting to look like a serious program. It will get better, but it is going to take a long time to do so.





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