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Issues with Steam version of Stager

Community Beginner ,
Dec 16, 2021 Dec 16, 2021

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I recently upgraded to Stager and painter 2022 via steam. A couple of issues I have found that you might be able to resolve.


1)  Can the steam stager 2022 (painter etc) version work offline without the app wanting to quit after it links back to Adobe cloud? When you put the steam app into offline mode the stager app shows an error message saying it will quit as it's a Adobe trial version and then it won't work until it goes bank online.

This is very troublesome as I wouldn't always have internet connection so having the ability to use the software without wifi connection would be very helpful.


2) when I try to open the stager app I sometimes get an error message saying something about Sandbox needs to be installed.


3) I know this isn't the case but the rendering speed is like the rendering is going via the web as it does seem slower than dimensions - I have a new MacBook Pro Max so it shouldn't be rendering this slow.


4) Stager - the displacement tab sometimes disappears and then some pre-existing materials that have displacement appplied the sliders under the material sections disappear. However when you close the app and reopen the displacement and sliders reappear.







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