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Queries: From CLO3D to Substance Stager workflow

New Here ,
Jan 20, 2024 Jan 20, 2024

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Hi all,

I'm a CLO3D & Brozwear designer so bassically I working for apparel,
I'm constantly cheking the solution to get realist texture to create phisical twin of my physical garments in CLO3D, Now exploring Substance to solve the issue.
I'm new to use substance tools and wants to set a workflow as below-
Texture creation in substnace sampler < garment draping in CLOD<Texturing in CLOD or Painter< Rendering in Substance stager

I srtarted trial and I stucked with some blockers and need your help to find-out the solution.
So could you please help me at Below queries-

  1. Can we do rendering in Substance stager directly from CLO3D or need to work on Texturing in substance painter first?
  2. Garment Seam line distorted if fabric having bump in CLO?
  3. How can we add seam lines in garment into Stager, it's disappeared if we use sabsar fabric file?
  4. How can we add print into sbsar fabric file in CLO3D & Substance Stager?
  5. If there is displacement map in sbsar file and we add graphics on it into CLO3D, the graphic become blury due to the body displacemen map, any recommended solution for that?
  6. If we export glb file from CLO and import in Stager the UV quality is not good as per the original one, how can we improve the quality?
  7. Can rescale the texture in stager as per physical swatch, there is any prameter in stager to rescale the texture as per it's actual scale?

    Many thanks in advance
Graphics , Import & Export , Layout , Lighting , Materials , Models , Performance , Rendering






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Adobe Employee ,
Jan 22, 2024 Jan 22, 2024

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Hi @SAJID34918585madx,


Thanks for the questions.


1. Substance Stager doesn't need files from Substance Painter in order to display the mesh properly. If the textures are images files, you can load them in the material panel of the 3D object.


2. I'm not a CLO expert, but if you have bump/Normal map, and that it is exported with the mesh, surely it will also be displayed in Substance Stager.


3. To be clear, Substance Stager is not a Modeling software nor a Texturing application. You can add Decals on models, but this won't be the right software for adding seams.


4. What exactly do you mean by "print"? I guess you're looking for something similar to the Decal system.


5. Could you share a video or any visual of the issue? I'm not sure to see what problem you're mentioning.


6. If you need to edit the current UVs of the mesh, you'll have to send the asset to a Modeling or UV dedicated software. 


7. Unfortunately, you can't scale the Tiling of the SBSAR depending on the size of the 3D mesh.


Best regards,

Cyril Dellenbach (Micro) | QA Support Artist | Adobe





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Community Beginner ,
Jan 24, 2024 Jan 24, 2024

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Thank you for your support,

In Query 4 I want to know that if we using Sbsr file in stager in that case how can we add Prints on the texture,
for instance if I want to get below render image where the garment having print so how  can play with prints (AOP)









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Adobe Employee ,
Jan 25, 2024 Jan 25, 2024

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You'll either have to find a SBSAR/material that already has the desired pattern, or texture the model inside Painter before sending it to Stager.


Cyril Dellenbach (Micro) | QA Support Artist | Adobe





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