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Disconnected from Team Projects

Participant ,
Nov 09, 2018 Nov 09, 2018

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Premiere 12.1.2

Mac Pro Late 2013 model

MacOS 10.11.6

We are having big problems with opening Team Projects.  Our team just now ran into the same issue simultaneously.  The three of us were all in the same Team Project this morning when we started to notice changes weren't being shared or received.  Then the share changes/get changes buttons that previously had been highlighted weren't highlighted any more.

So we closed the projects, closed Premiere and tried to reopen them.  Only now when choosing the Team Project from the welcome screen, it would try to open it with the loading progress bars for a split second, then immediately return to the welcome screen with the list of recent projects.  After five or six attempts I was able to load the Team Project, but changes still aren't available to share/receive.

Same experience later duplicated with coworkers.  We all closed each Adobe app, signed out of Creative Cloud app, signed back in.  Same issue.  Restarted the Macs, loaded up again, same issue.

Managed to reopen that Team Project after four or five more attempts, saved it as a new Team Project.  Went to invite collaborators and got this message:

"Collaboration features are currently not available because you are disconnected from Team Projects.  Team Project data will be saved locally on this machine an you can continue working without collaboration features.  The Team Project will be automatically synchronized with Team Projects after the connection has been established."

So now I'm thinking the Team Projects server is down?  Or we are blocked from accessing it even though it was working fine this morning?

The only thing that I can think of that changed was a coworker installed a Wacom pad to his Mac right around the time this all went south, but surely that wouldn't affect our whole network's ability to connect to the Adobe Team Project service.

Is there a way to check our connection to the Team Project service via network config or the like?  Or to see the status of that service online?

Also not sure what the best path forward is.  Continue to work in the Team Project until connection is restored?  Or make local copies and merge later?

Thanks in advance for your help.






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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Adobe Employee , Nov 09, 2018 Nov 09, 2018

Hi Daniel,

We are investigating an issue that is affecting the Team Projects service for certain customers today. It sounds like its affecting you as well, unfortunately. As far as I understand the issue, it should not affect your ability to edit locally in a Team Project, but it makes the collaboration features mostly unavailable. I would suggest that you continue working in disconnected mode, since it will make it easier to combine your changes once the collaboration service is restored.




Adobe Employee ,
Nov 09, 2018 Nov 09, 2018

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Hi Daniel,

We are investigating an issue that is affecting the Team Projects service for certain customers today. It sounds like its affecting you as well, unfortunately. As far as I understand the issue, it should not affect your ability to edit locally in a Team Project, but it makes the collaboration features mostly unavailable. I would suggest that you continue working in disconnected mode, since it will make it easier to combine your changes once the collaboration service is restored.






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Participant ,
Nov 09, 2018 Nov 09, 2018

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Thanks for the reply.  The issue isn't simply that changes aren't able to be synced, it's also that we can't seem to open the Team Projects in some cases.  Not sure why the service being offline would prevent us from loading a project but that does seem to be the case.





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Adobe Employee ,
Nov 09, 2018 Nov 09, 2018

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Daniel and k9karis0:  Our server engineers believe they have identified the problem, which appears to have been isolated to a single server instance erroneously returning "not found" errors for Team Projects in the cloud. They have taken that instance off-line while they attempt to isolate the problem. Can you check to see if you are still having trouble opening Team Projects?

RE: not being able to load Team Projects during the outage, had those Team Projects ever been opened before on the affected machines, by the same user? If so, then that surprises me, too. If they had never been opened before on that system by that user, then it would not be possible to open them without first copying them from the cloud, where the problem was.





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Nov 09, 2018 Nov 09, 2018

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Well it seems to be working again, I'm able to get/share changes and can invite collaborators without getting that error message.

But then I created a new Team Project and for a minute it looked like the problem was back.  A bit later and it sorted itself out again, not sure what's up.

RE: your question - yes all the projects we were trying to open had been opened on those machines before.  In fact the project that broke first was the one we were all working in this morning.  Only after closing and reopening Premiere did we discover we weren't able to open the projects again.  What you said makes sense about first copying them from the cloud, but that was not the case this time.





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Nov 09, 2018 Nov 09, 2018

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Ok this is a consistent behavior now: when I go to create a new Team Project, in the initial pop-up box for the new projects settings, in the space for adding collaborators, I get the same error message about "Collaboration features are currently not available because you are disconnected from Team Projects."

But then if I ignore that and open the newly created Team Project, after a minute or so the button to send changes lights up and I can go to the Team Project Settings and invite collaborators, so it seems to be working after that.

Also, now that Team Projects is back online, we're trying to merge our local projects we've been working in.  Since we couldn't even open the Team Projects on all of our computers to work locally "offline", we had to save the Team Project to a local project, duplicate it for each editor, and then each work in separate sequences hoping to merge them together at the end.

Just tried merging them and we're getting the "LocatorID" problem now, see this thread for similar stories:

Linking LocatorID error

I believe at some point someone in the Team Project must have used the old Link Media method for getting clips online instead of Media Management.  The crazy thing is that this method works for that specific workstation so long as the project stays a Team Project.  But as soon as you convert the Team to a local and then try to merge the resulting project or sequence(s) from it with a different workstation's project, all the files linked the old way get the LocatorID problem.

The only solution I've found is to either manually relink each one-at-a-time since Premiere is unable to auto-find others in the same directory, or to convert each individual local project to its own team project, and then merge/pull sequences from Media Browser amongst Team Projects.  However, I fear the second option is just masking the underlying problem and will therefore likely go with the first option unless there's a better way.





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Explorer ,
Nov 09, 2018 Nov 09, 2018

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I'm having the same exact issue. I was able to open the project, but can't download or share any changes. One of our machines tries to open for a split second then goes back to the welcome screen.





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Participant ,
Nov 09, 2018 Nov 09, 2018

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Following up about the LocatorID issue:

I was able to fix it using the first option I described in my previous reply:

1. Starting with three separate local projects trying to merge sequences from each.

2. Convert each local project to its own Team Project.

3. Choose one Team Project to be the "master" and import the sequences from the other two via Media Browser.

4. All sequences import properly, no offline footage, no duplicate media.

5. Check to see if issue is truly fixed by converting "master" Team Project down to "master" local project.

6. Open "master" local project, no issues.

7. Select all bins in Project Panel, select "Make Offline", then "Link Media"

8. Observe that no media file paths are showing "LocatorID", rejoice!

9. Repeat steps 6-9 on a separate workstation, confirmed no issues.





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Adobe Employee ,
Nov 09, 2018 Nov 09, 2018

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Thanks for the thorough write-up, and sorry you had to go through that! We thought we had fixed all of the ways of getting into that locatorID situation, but our QE recently found another that we are looking into. I don't know all the details, but I believe it did involve converting between standalone Projects and Team Projects.

I'm not sure what's going on with the "Collaboration Features are currently not available" error you're seeing. I will forward that to the server team.





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